Re: Daily Updates
Thanks Pop
Could you Make Stagnation As a %
Re: Daily Updates
Blaiserboy reported a series of crashes in a specific settings. I first decided that the bug is due to the last version changes, but actually the problem was in the very core of FSB backtester. I think I fix it, but I have to make additional tests.
The problem is that there are hard-coded places for max 6 positions per bar. Actually Blaserboy found a strategy that uses up to 10 positions and up to 20 orders per bar
The same issue is also valid for the freeware FSB. The interesting fact is that this code is at least 6 years old and no such problems were reported so far.
Re: Daily Updates
FSB Pro is an extremely powerful program and it allows us to explore for solutions to all sorts of trading combinations.
I run the generator for many hours on most days, at times I run three copies simultaneously, the facility for downloading data allows everything to be current.
Now that we have the collections/repository feature we can afford to spend a lot of time studying unique situations that we could not really dig into before.
The break even situation that Popov describes became noticeable since he added the new selection criteria.... and luckily the bug surfaced at this time.
As we collectively run the program and push it to its limits there may be more little gremlins appear, we will have to document their occurrence so that Popov can locate the cause and correct it. Debugging is a huge task due to the complexity of the program.
It is important that we provide complete details as to the problem encountered so the developer can attempt to locate causes.
Just an aside.... to let people know how effective FSB Pro can be...... my robots took my account balance up by close to 50 percent today, it is well worth it to learn how to use the tools effectively.
Re: Daily Updates
The tests of the bug fix are going well. I'll upload a new release tomorrow morning.
I'll try to fix other minor issues also.
Re: Daily Updates
Hello Dear users,
The weekend and the vacation season is over.
Let be charged for a successful and fruitful week.
I'm working on a bug fix release of FSB Pro. It will be published in two days.
We also work on the documentation adding several articles every day.
Please send us feedback and report all issues you encounter.
Re: Daily Updates
I'm working on a new feature of FSB Pro.
If I manage to do it correctly it will be a huge improvement of the program usability.
I hope I'll have a working draft for the New Year's eve .
Re: Daily Updates
I will be staying home and sober on New Years Eve awaiting the new feature... !!
Good luck with the modification.
Re: Daily Updates
I'm working now on a new "bug fixing" release. I already fixed several issues and want to fix more.
If you are able to reproduce any issue, please report.
The Ease of Movement indicator will be renewed due to an error in the formula. I'll replace it in FSB Pro and will upload the old code in the repo.
Re: Daily Updates
Fixed issues so far:
* Fixed Ease of Movement formula. Added more logical rules:
* Fixed a crash on Journal page when there is no trades and you scroll to the right.
* Fixed a crash when you use the navigation button of the yellow warning bar and there are no open pages.
* Fixed naming of new strategies when the wanted name is already occupied by adding a correct suffix.
* Fixed incorrect closing of Trader Connections when there are several connections on strategy. The program closes the active connection instead of that with the clicked "Close" button.
New features:
* MT4 HST import checks if the destination folder belongs to a data source. In such case, the program imports only symbols set in that data source and ignores all other HST files.
* Added a "Clone" command in the strategy tabs context menu. It is useful when you want to modify a strategy copy of the strategy.
Re: Daily Updates
When a user starts working on a new strategy, the first thing he has to do is to set the trading amount and protections. I found it very cumbersome to set it every time. In order to fix it I added a new feature: Saving and Loading a template.
It will be very easy to work with. There are two new buttons "Save as Template" and "Open from Template" on the main tool bar and the file menu. There are also shortcut keys: Open: Ctrl+T and Save: Ctrl+Shift+T. Now the user can save any strategy as a template and to use it with a single click.
We are planing the new update for Thursday.
Re: Daily Updates
Added Drag & Drop. FSB Pro can open dropped strategy files..
Re: Daily Updates
Hello Traders,
Today I'll make a video for the strategy protection: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing stop. I'll explain how these are implemented in FSB Pro and in exported EAs.
If you want a video for a specific topic, please comment.
Re: Daily Updates
Good morning traders,
I'll make today several videos for the strategy slots.
The first one is ready. You can find it in the Indicator Slots article.
Please subscribe and rate the videos. It will help the channel getting popular.
Re: Daily Updates
I'll work today on fixing LTF indicators "Use previous bar value" issue reported by Ahmed:
If you have any observations for illogical behavior on using LTF, please report.
Re: Daily Updates
Another Issue
The shift function go backward not froward
It happens with 5 Mins chart with LTF 15 &30 only'' it always miss the last 5 bars'' i donot know why !!!!!
Example : if i have 5 Mins bar & Moving average(LTF) 15 , 30 it shifts back '' the MA line is not complete'' but when start with 1hr LTF the line is fixed and draw to the last bar
The same behaviour also with oscillators but it draw the last five candles '' as a zero reading''
Re: Daily Updates
I'll work next two weeks on fixing stability issues with FSB Pro and the exported EAs.
My priorities are:
- to make the EAs calculating the required bars number. Working with the exact number of bars will make the EAs faster and safer.
- making the EAs to not crashing on the MT tester when there is no enough bars.
- fixing eventual discrepancy between FSB and MT backtest.
- making automatic closing time of Day Closing on Friday. (to remove the need of using Bar Closing 2 and Day Closing 2)
If you have any observation on these topics, please post reports with examples, strategies and screen shots.
Re: Daily Updates
I tested FSB on windows with font set to Medium. It works fine, but there are many visual issues in various screens. I'll try to fix most of them before the official release of FSB v2.8.
Re: Daily Updates
Hello dear Traders,
Version 2.8.2 is the newest version in which I am fixing all confirmed bugs. From tomorrow I will be developing new features. Version 2.8.2 will be publicly available next Saturday.
Re: Daily Updates
We are developing a new weapon to fight the curve-fitting. Stay tuned.