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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

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Posts: 8

Topic: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

Hey Friends,

An opening logic condition is: MA falls. But there are still open positions when the MA rises.
I do not understand why a position is opened, although the condition is not met.

Can someone help me?



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Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

There is no open position for the selected bar.

3 (edited by Popov 2014-11-14 14:06:01)

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

Ok, i give you another example:

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises


You set trading rules for the long positions in FSB. The program calculates the opposite rules for the short positions automatically.

In the strategy below, all rules for short positions are "Yes" (true). That's why the program opens a short position here.

You can read more about strategy structure in the User Guide.

Here is an article for the strategy slots:

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises


I'll move this topic to the Forex Strategy Builder themes.

You can choose Thumbnail for Forums (1) option from in order to make the images better looking in the forum.


If you are sure you want only long positions. you can use "Long or Short" indicator.

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

Popov wrote:


You set trading rules for the long positions in FSB. The program calculates the opposite rules for the short positions automatically.

Does this mean, that if the Strategy Builder has a logic for Long-Trades, it will does the opposite for Short-Trades?

Until now i thought, that only positions are opend, if the logic condition is met ... in my case: the MA falls

Greetings, ChrisV

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

Does this mean, that if the Strategy Builder has a logic for Long-Trades, it will does the opposite for Short-Trades?

It is exactly the way the program works. You set long rules only, the program makes the short opposite to them.

Re: Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

Ok, thank you very much!

But honestly this is confusing, because the condition is (in my case) that the MA should fall to open a position. Therefore, positions should only be opened, when MA falls, whether Short or Long.
Maybe ohter users think the same like me ...

For now, i know how it works.


Posts: 8

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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Open Position only when MA falls, but it also opens when it rises

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