Topic: Memory problem

First I will allow FSB Pro generator to breed 100 strategies in a collection, using 50000 bars of historical data. Then I will stop the generator and enlarge historical data period to 100000 bars. Now I will double click on a strategy in the collection to reload it for checking if it will show similar positive behavior in large historical data set. If not, I will delete this strategy from the collection, and proceed with next strategy. At the end I will arrive at the resulting few strategies of better quality, to check those more thoroughly.

During this process I discovered that amount of memory used in this process will grow steadily, until it will reach maximum for the system (in my case it is 16GB). I am using Windows Task Manager to show the amount of physical memory used. When reaching the limit of maximal system memory (which will make the system and FSB Pro work in slow motion), I have to stop the FSB Pro (first, of course, saving the collection) and restart FSB Pro again. I will then reload the collection and continue with sorting of the strategies in the collection (FSB Pro will start the process with about 2 GB of memory). I have to do this process of reloading FSB Pro two times to check all of 100 strategies in a collection.

I am not a professional programmer, but I suspect that some of the resources used by FSB Pro are not returned back to the system after the use.

Re: Memory problem

the design of the program is for 50,000..... and problems occur with more than that.

Best to save work and reboot once in a while to save problems.

I have experienced similar and recommend that we stick to simply restarting periodically.

We can backtest by switching the dates in editor mode and use as much data as we want... which is actually far faster than using the generator to test different periods.

Sometimes software is just not able to do everything we desire, to shift the memory to accommodate the larger bar limits would require a rewrite of much of the program, and that may then disallow people with smaller computers from using the program.

Re: Memory problem

I have been using the memory optimizer for a few weeks now..... it is allowing me to do several more things at once.

Wise Memory Optimizer

I think that there can be memory consumed when we have 5 or 6 'Collections' open while we are generating and have the maximum number of 100 strategies in each.

Re: Memory problem

Blaiserboy wrote:

I have been using the memory optimizer for a few weeks now..... it is allowing me to do several more things at once.

Wise Memory Optimizer

I think that there can be memory consumed when we have 5 or 6 'Collections' open while we are generating and have the maximum number of 100 strategies in each.

I just use USB memory stick that is suitable to "extend" the RAM on top of the Wise Memory Optimizer.

Re: Memory problem

Hmmmmm  I might try that, thanks

6 (edited by mel8331 2014-11-25 17:06:11)

Re: Memory problem

FSB Pro is using lots of RAM even for generating one strategy and when generation is stop, it still retained high usage of RAM.

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7 (edited by mel8331 2014-11-25 17:09:44)

Re: Memory problem

And memory usage is still high when the strategy generation is stopped as indicated by the 0% CPU usage by FSB Pro.

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Re: Memory problem

FSB keeps the used data files in RAM. You have to release the unused files from time to time from History Center -> Data Statistics.

You can also save and unload your strategy collections from Repository -> Collections page.

If the used memory is still high, use the free Wise Memory Optimizer program. It force the Windows to check and optimize the allocated memory.