Topic: Strategy shown in Generator, but not in the collection.
FSB Pro will collect the generated strategies in a collection file. If I understand it correctly, this step will be done only if I will chose to designate the Collection file name in the appropriate window, when preparing the generator to start (maybe the strategies are anyway gathered in some default file if I will chose not to designate the collection file – I have yet to check it).
When generator is active, I will sometimes move to Repository to look at the generated strategies (and delating few bad ones in process) – but the Generator will continue to work, so I can return back to the active generator window. In this window the Generator will show the values for the last developed strategy until it will find a new one. Then the new developed strategy will be shown, and the previous one is placed (presumably) in the collection?
Now what happened to me was that the last in the series of developed strategies (and shown in Generator window) had relatively low Net Balance, but very high SQN (49) and Sharp ratio (33). I wanted to study this strategy in details. But this strategy is only visible in Generator (and maybe only until the next one will be find) - but cannot be found in the Collection file! To be able to “catch” this distinct strategy I had to stop Generator and save shown strategy from FILE / Save As commando. I have also nulled acceptance criteria to allow the sorting system to show strategies with low values of different parameters. Nothing of this helps.
After stopping of the Generator following parameters are shown [calculated 142195 collected 538 shown 9]. Presumably total collection for this search case is 538 strategies?, but only “best” 100 of those are available for scrutiny? Trying to sort strategies for different parameters (SQN, Sharp ratio, …) will not help. This special strategy, with high SQN and Sharp is not in collection! Is this strategy excluded for some reason? Why is that? Am I missing something obvious here? BTW, what is "shown 9" parameter?