Re: Strategy Repository

nice work thumb up

27 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2013-02-22 21:46:45)

Re: Strategy Repository

do you have a way to link the strategy as a general  to the source of data used to generate it

Re: Strategy Repository

ahmedalhoseny wrote:

do you have a way to link the strategy as a general  to the source of data used to generate it

It will be added.

29 (edited by yavor99 2013-02-23 09:04:58)

Re: Strategy Repository

I just discussed the near future with Popov. Soon the strategies from the repo will be avaliable to browse and download directly from the program. I already added the web-side support for getting a list and downloading files. Popov will be adding the functionality as soon as he finds the time to.

30 (edited by yavor99 2013-02-25 11:58:27)

Re: Strategy Repository

yavor99 wrote:

added in so far

  • sorting list of strategies

  • paginated the list (you will able to see it when there are more than 50 wink )

  • automatic check if file is unique

  • automatic check check if file has unique title

  • download strategy

  • repo integrated with forum's database

  • got the repo to work on a subdomain (had some problems with the cookies)

  • remove strategy (only admins and owner of strategy can remove)

  • proper titles of pages

  • feedback messages, when needed - on upload success, delete success etc.

  • now counting views of page

  • counting downloads per file

  • !!! check if XML file is a real strategy [done]

  • Possible manual update of strategy (re-upload xml and update data in database)[done]

  • Let user edit description

To be added:

  • tables for metadata

  • voting

31 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2013-02-24 19:38:49)

Re: Strategy Repository

Why Not extending the library to Be two parts one for strategies and other for indicators to make all coding things in one place and those two parts to be part of a bigger wiki to be extended in future with more headers

Lets say the main left column of the wiki  has the following topics
1- link to the forum

2- Library
2.a strategies library ''Strategy Repository''
2.b indicators library

3- FSB script help '' to be as an online help file or manual grow day after day to End in PDF book as popov promise us long time ago ''
3.a basic syntax
3.b Functions Library
3.c ....etc )  any other topic or topics 3.d, 3.e   that focus on coding

Re: Strategy Repository

Strategies, Indicators and Scripts are already planned. They will be listed in FSB Pro and will be one click installable.

I hope to publish FSB Pro with feed from the Repo soon. For that reason I ask you to publish some strategies.

Re: Strategy Repository

and i am in vacation  next 2 weeks so i will focus more on testing new strategies

34 (edited by yavor99 2013-02-25 12:00:33)

Re: Strategy Repository

  • feed: added support for comment count, added download counter on load strategy from FSB

  • Edit strategy description works now (fixed form, redirects, feedback message), xml file gets automatically updated upon edit

  • fixed access secirity now only author and admins can edit/update strategy file

New version of Pro. It includes access to download from the repo from within the program

Re: Strategy Repository

[+] tabs to see Meta data for strategy on [Strategy Review] page (like that)

36 (edited by yavor99 2013-02-26 16:04:44)

Re: Strategy Repository

Repo Upgraded to ver. 1.0 wink

  • medadata tabs/tables

  • Rating strategies

Re: Strategy Repository

could you add an icon''New'' or counter beside Strategy Repository to give us an alarm if there are updates!!!

Re: Strategy Repository

There is some technical difficulties in doing that. This menu you see above is part of the Forum and we're trying to keep the forum's code untouched so we can keep it updated to latest version easily.

What I could make are for example:
1) RSS feed of the repository
2)subscribe per forum PM to strategies or new uploads

Would any of those help you?

I also think it is possible to add a feed with new repository uploads to homepage

...and another thing. What do you think of Disqus, would it be better if we have our own comments system integrated with the rest of the site?

Re: Strategy Repository

yavor99 wrote:

...and another thing. What do you think of Disqus, would it be better if we have our own comments system integrated with the rest of the site?

comments to be integrated with the rest of site is better

40 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2013-02-27 08:45:56)

Re: Strategy Repository

yavor99 wrote:

What I could make are for example:
1) RSS feed of the repository
2)subscribe per forum PM to strategies or new uploads

i like the 2nd option to receive PM  '' But PM bottom also has no alarm for new Msgs ''

In my opinion and generally speaking keeping all updates and alarms connected to one place'' the forum'' is my 1st choice  because
1- it will remove frustration from getting data from more than one data resource
2- will in-reach the forum with helpful data and tools even if its not inbuilt in the forum but easy accessed through it ''
3- increase the participation of the community '' which is very low '' there are about 20 active participants out of >5000 register-er 

Thanks again for nice work

Re: Strategy Repository

Yavor does great work on Repo.
We have more idea about it:
- Sections for upload / download indicators for FSB and FSB Pro
- Sections for custom code
- Index page of the Repo that shows latest uploads and comments.
- Custom comment system that is integrated with website.

Re: Strategy Repository

  • Moderators can now also delete/update strategies on the Repo

Re: Strategy Repository

Forex indicators are open to download/upload in the repo
forex indicators section is in beta, please report all bugs and share suggestions

Re: Strategy Repository

yavor99 wrote:

Forex indicators are open to download/upload in the repo
forex indicators section is in beta, please report all bugs and share suggestions

Thanks for all these new features...... you have been very busy.

Thanks again

Re: Strategy Repository

- Header and meta data of Startegy deatil page to be moved above tabs.
- Introduction info to be added to each index section
- Footer like in the forum with copyright info and discalmer link to be added.
- Integrated comment system
- Portal page of repo like
- Validation and upload possibilities from FSB Pro

Re: Strategy Repository

Here goes an idea -- to make an admin page for the repo with links to all admin resources
It will contain some links and data about what an admin is interested in - new feedbacks, link to feedback section, link to index descriptions section etc. Like the portal page for the repo, but for admins only

Re: Strategy Repository

Added simple comment funcionality to C# & XML file section of the Forex Repository

- Fixed CSS of forms, now menus font is normal size, not smaller as before
- Moved all resources to No remote loading CSS or JS files from 3rd party sources.
- fixed permissions for c# -> show file, now not logged in users can also access page
- fixed wrong css/js paths, now all appear normally

Re: Strategy Repository

I have some recommendations:

- Control box of Strategy section is not properly placed.

- There is some styling issue with indicator code. It's unreadable now.

- Here some notes about indicator's detailed page

- I need a section for uploading "FSB Pro Indicators" and "FSB Pro Add-ons"

Re: Strategy Repository

All except sections thing fixed and uploaded.
Time: 35 minutes
Will talk soon about sections

Re: Strategy Repository

Nice Work Yavor


1- Change the name strategy repository to General Repository ''it now include indicators '' 

2- Change the color or smal icon''New'' to alarm for new updates in that section