Forex Strategy Builder Professional is updated to v2.5.2.0
Forex Strategy Builder Professional is updated to v2.5.1.0
Fixed crash when use “Open folder in File Explorer” command from the context menu of an unsaved strategy;
Fixed a crash of Indicator Chart when data files are reloaded;
Fixed memory leak from the Indicator Chart page when strategy recalculates;
Fixed memory leak from the small indicator chart in Editor page;
Monte Carlo page redraws the initial balance line when the strategy recalculates;
Fixed “Save All” command validation. It is available now when there is at least one changed strategy;
Fixed UI bug of BB-Code form on resizing;
Fixed a bug that prevents reaching the maximum allowed lots on adding in rare cases;
Fixed wrong text labels in the Indicator Chart – “pips” to “points”;
Fixed an issue in drawing indicators in the small indicator chart;
The expert code was updated to v13.
Fixed wrong set of current Ask price. As we know the only effect of the bug was the calculation of the Spread Level Pro custom indicator.
Fixed representation of the spread in the expert. We don't believe to the MT Spread parameter any more. We calculate the spread from the latest tick Bid and Ask prices as follow: Spread = (Ask - Bid)/Point.
Fixed Keltner Channel indicator - wrong implementation of Moving Average function.
New Features:
Fixed wrong representation of pips vs points in the
Spread Level Pro custom indicator. If you are using it, you have to reload the indicator from the repository. You may delete the old indicator from the “Indicators” and “Libraries” folders if there are conflicts with the indicator name.
Reexport your experts in order to use the newest code.
The MQL code used for exporting Expert Advisors was updated to v12.
There is one bug fixed - incorrectly set tick time. It was reflection on the closing logic conditions.
The code will be automatically updated by Forex Strategy Builder Professional on the next start.
You have to reexport your expert advisors after updating the MQL code.
Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.5 comes with MQL code v11, and FSB-MT4 Bridge v10.
The Expert Advisors export feature is a final release. It is suitable for Demo and Real trading considering the disclaimer included in the License Agreement file and in the experts' code files.
Change log:
Expert Advisors code marked as a final release.
Removed the “Beta version” warning message on EA export.
Fixed the unit in “Minimum Account” protection in the exported EA.
Fixed “ROC MA Oscillator” MQL code.
Fixed issue with not updated DataSource list in Data Download page after changing in Control Panel.
Fixed validation of “Remove unused data files” command in Data Statistics page.
Fixed auto-scrolling of Data Download page.
Check and switch off free mode on license activation.
Fixed logical rules texts of “Previous Bar Opening” indicator.
Updated EPPlus library used for exporting Excel spreadsheets.
Fixed entry size normalization bug in EA code. It fixes in issue when an exported EA cannot trade with amount of 0.01 lot on markets with digits ⇐ 1.
Fixed new initialization after deleting a Data Source.
Program launcher doesn't run the updating program. The updater is run by
Fixed Account Exchange Rates update in Account Page in Control Panel.
Fixed a crash in Journal page when scrolling during strategy calculation.
There are two minor changes in this release:
You have to reexport only experts using “ROC MA Oscillator”, if there are problems with them. This update doesn't make any changes in other indicators and experts.
Forex Strategy Builder Professional v2.4.1 comes with a new MQL code set v9.
This release fixes several issues and adds several new features.
The Ease of Movement indicator is renewed due to an error in the formula of previous version. If you are using this indicator, you have to check and readjust your strategies.
Fixed issues:
Fixed Ease of Movement formula. Added more logical rules:
Fixed a crash on Journal page when there is no trades and you scroll to the right.
Fixed a crash when you use the navigation button of the yellow warning bar and there are no open pages.
Fixed naming of new strategies when the wanted name is already occupied by adding a correct suffix.
Fixed incorrect closing of Trader Connections when there are several connections on strategy. The program closes the active connection instead of that with the clicked “Close” button.
New features:
MT4 HST import checks if the destination folder belongs to a data source. In such case, the program imports only symbols set in that data source and ignores all other HST files.
Added a “Clone” command in the strategy tabs context menu. It is useful when you want to modify a copy of the strategy.
Added strategy templates. There are two new buttons “Save as Template” and “Open from Template” on the main tool bar and the file menu. There are also shortcut keys: Open: Ctrl+T and Save: Ctrl+Shift+T. Now the user can save any strategy as a template and to use it with a single click.
Added Drag & Drop.
FSB Pro can open dropped strategy files.
The expert checks the available count of bars on MT History Tester. If the count is lower than waht the strategy requires, the expert reports an error in the Journal.
MQL code was updated to v 7.
Reexport your Expert Advisors in order to use the latest code.
Forex Strategy Builder Professional is updated to v2.3.
New features:
Added color themes:
You can switch the themes form Control Panel - General.
Fixed errors in “Starc Bands”, “Trix MA Oscillator” and “Account Percent Stop” indicators.
Updated copyright notes of MQL codes.