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Forex Software → Portfolio Expert → Portfolio MT ID (101) vs Expert Advisor Studio ID (75.2)

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Posts: 2

Topic: Portfolio MT ID (101) vs Expert Advisor Studio ID (75.2)

How do we identify the open positions from PortofolioExpert in conjunction with the Expert Advisor Studio Strategy?

An example:
In MT the open positions have the ID 100,101....
Is there a way to identify which Expert Advisor Studio strategy (75.3 or 53.4) the open position 101 belongs to?

Re: Portfolio MT ID (101) vs Expert Advisor Studio ID (75.2)

Ah, now I saw in "Forumlar to get back from magicnumber the strategynumber" Topic. The first strategy in PortfolioExpert (100) is the first one in EAS.

Posts: 2

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Forex Software → Portfolio Expert → Portfolio MT ID (101) vs Expert Advisor Studio ID (75.2)

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