Topic: Portfolio Stats vs Metatrader5 Backtest: how to Match?

Dear Popov,
by testing the same Portfolio on EAstudio first and then on Mt5 on EURAUD, with same Spread (20) and period (03.06_13.06) and broker, it seems many stats does not match.

I'm sure there's something wrong in my process, please what's the "bug"? I've not been able to figure it out.

Please find attached the screenshots. I also add the portfolio of strategy just in case.

Some examples (Eastudio vs MT5):

Net profit: 20021.39 vs 17.353.47
Max Drawdown: 263.39 vs 644.17
Max Consecutive Losses: 7 vs 19.

For the future: in my opinion it would be great if the Portfolio Stats also could show the max Equity Drawdown to, like Mt5 does. It will help a lot in having a more complete view on past drawdown of entire portfolio.


Post's attachments

Metatrader 5 backte4st EURAUD m5 111eas REPORT.png 38.64 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Metatrader 5 backte4st EURAUD m5 111eas.png 31.59 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Portoflio Stats EURAUD M5 111.png 63.51 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Strategy Collection 111 EURAUD M5 03.06_14.06.json 510.04 kb, 2 downloads since 2024-06-14 

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