Topic: Reverse signal

I made an expert that is the exact opposite of opening a trade. Is there a program or method that the same expert buys when it gives a sell signal and sells when it gives a buy signal?

Re: Reverse signal

Change the strategy logics to opposite and you have reversed the signals.

But mind you - if your aim is to make a losing strategy into a winning one by reversing the trades, then don't bother. A losing strategy remains a loser because it doesn't have a winning edge, it is random and trading costs will guarantee you a loss.

Re: Reverse signal

footon wrote:

Change the strategy logics to opposite and you have reversed the signals.

But mind you - if your aim is to make a losing strategy into a winning one by reversing the trades, then don't bother. A losing strategy remains a loser because it doesn't have a winning edge, it is random and trading costs will guarantee you a loss.

Hello, footon,
<Change the strategy logics to opposite>

can you guide me on how to reverse the signals?

Re: Reverse signal

footon wrote:

Change the strategy logics to opposite and you have reversed the signals.

But mind you - if your aim is to make a losing strategy into a winning one by reversing the trades, then don't bother. A losing strategy remains a loser because it doesn't have a winning edge, it is random and trading costs will guarantee you a loss.

This method that you say, for example, Strategy A will give 5 buy signals today and tomorrow, with the signal reversal method that you say, this strategy will give 5 sell signals exactly at the same time as the buy signal?

Re: Reverse signal

It is not a method. If logic is "rises", change it to "falls". Or if it is "crosses up", change it "crosses down" etc.

Re: Reverse signal

footon wrote:

It is not a method. If logic is "rises", change it to "falls". Or if it is "crosses up", change it "crosses down" etc.

I did this, unfortunately, it does not open any trades in Metatrader

What are the uses of these two options and should they be active or not?

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Re: Reverse signal

Read the manual, that will help you understand the program finally. … properties

"Does not open trades"... Well, then it didn't open them in the first place.

Re: Reverse signal

footon wrote:

Read the manual, that will help you understand the program finally. … properties

"Does not open trades"... Well, then it didn't open them in the first place.

Can I send you a strategy? And you do something to reverse the trade. Maybe I did something wrong that didn't open the trade at all

Re: Reverse signal

If your strategy passes the FSB Pro backtest, it should trade in MT.

Please check for suspicious messages in the MT Journal.

Did you try to backtest it in the MT Tester?

> Can I send you a strategy?

The easiest way to share a strategy is to attach it to a forum's post.

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Re: Reverse signal

Popov wrote:

If your strategy passes the FSB Pro backtest, it should trade in MT.

Please check for suspicious messages in the MT Journal.

Did you try to backtest it in the MT Tester?

> Can I send you a strategy?

The easiest way to share a strategy is to attach it to a forum's post.

You can do it in the full Reply form, not in the "Quick reply".
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Thank you, Mr. Popov
Yes, I took a becquet, it didn't have a good result, and in real transactions, the result was awful
I think that everything he does should be reversed in order to get a good result
If possible, I want this strategy to sell wherever it gives a buy signal and buy wherever it gives a sell signal (exactly the opposite of what it is doing now)

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11 (edited by saeedonline1214 2023-07-06 16:10:56)

Re: Reverse signal

Popov wrote:

If your strategy passes the FSB Pro backtest, it should trade in MT.

Please check for suspicious messages in the MT Journal.

Did you try to backtest it in the MT Tester?

> Can I send you a strategy?

The easiest way to share a strategy is to attach it to a forum's post.

You can do it in the full Reply form, not in the "Quick reply".
Click the "Post reply" link or the "Preview" button to open the full Replay form.
