1 (edited by SurfingWave 2023-01-05 07:10:37)

Topic: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

Hi, New here and having issues on mt5 demo account error messages (volume to be close exceed the position volume). Working flawlessly on my MT4 live account but MT5 having issues. I searched forum for answers can't find a solution. FSB v4.0. image attached. Thanks!

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MT5.png 161.44 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

I haven't seen this error message.

Does the expert work in the MT Tester?

Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

On mt5 tester same errors adding lots but on fsb pro works fine.

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mt5 error.png 203.48 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

Please attach your strategy or the expert for further examination.

5 (edited by SurfingWave 2023-01-06 08:32:46)

Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

Mt5 EA I updated was the wrong EA I posted.  I just noticed doing backtest (base on real tick) I'll received an error.

Post's attachments

FSB EURUSD 12DD 2L LIVE M15.mq5 287.83 kb, 5 downloads since 2023-01-06 

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Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

Just to follow-up can you re-create following error? looking forward for the solution or next update fix.

Re: FSB MT5 (exceed the position volume)

FSB Pro supports only "Netting" accounts in MT5.

You can run your strategy in MT4.

The strategy also works on MT5 Hedge account, but you have to disable "Adding".

Here is your strategy tested on MT5 Hedging account with Adding removed:
