<Can you upload tick data?
<You could have just said this: no it doesn't use tick. Or yes it does use tick.
Stop ranting, it is offensive, especially given the fact you didn't post a clearly formulated question with a question mark. English is not my mother tongue.
< Real tick backtesting is more accurate than 1 minute backtesting
No. And my answer is strictly said from the perspective of FSB. I can create thousands of strategies, which have no ambig. bars, meaning the backtesting is 100% accurate. Is there a need for tick data? Absolutely not, how many times do one has to backtest a strat? Moreover, on tick data, which only contributes to wasted time, heat and electrical bill and offers no additional incentive or knowledge?
<Your statement that backtesting doesn't matter is "ludicrous", FSB itself is based on backtesting, and the entire point of the process is to reduce toil and streamline the process of finding profitable system
That is very cute of you to take my words out of context. Let me say it again - when FSB itself is based on backtesting and it is excellent at that (instantenous results FFS, pardon my French, but if it so quick, something must be wrong, right?!), why the hell do people need a death cycle of backtesting of the same strat over the same piece of data or additionally tick data? This doesn't reduce toil, it increases it. And there's no profit in multiple backtests, especially when all those tests show profit.
Do trade the most profitable backtests, after a while tell us how did it go...
Given the constraints of mt tester and understanding that FSB's point is not to produce experts for tester, but to use mt as a trading tool for its EAs, I took your strat out for a dance. As I explained, the point, the whole point and nothing but the point is to have equal behaviour between trading and after-the-fact backtesting. Markets are closed, so tester it is. I pasted the results together, attached as a pic. By the way, FSB's testing accuracy was 100%, do I need tick data for another round of backtesting?
Mt tester showing crap -> it has done so since its inception.
Mt live trades corresponding to after-the-fact backtesting using same data -> no problems.
Mt live trades n o t corresponding to after-the-fact backtesting using same data -> big problem, which needs to be addressed.
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