Topic: Strategy calculation speed

What influences the speed at which strategies are calculated?  I've noticed that sometimes it calculates really slow compared to other times.  Also seems lower time frames take longer?  Because this software is browser based does my computer speed affect the calculation speed at all?  Forgive me if that is stupid question.

Re: Strategy calculation speed

Hi Amby, you're right. The lower the timeframe more power/time you need to calculate statistics

Example with BTCUSD data

  • last 5 years of BTCUSD 1M data = 185mb

  • last 5 years of BTCUSD 1H data = 2mb

Re: Strategy calculation speed

In addition to Vinicius, the whole generation is dependent on your computer speed, the better your computing power, the faster it generates. Speed fluctuations you observe are due to the generated strategy - what and how many indicators are used.

Re: Strategy calculation speed

I found out that when my development-at-adventure laptop is on a Power-save mode, it dramatically reduces the spread after several seconds of inactivity.


You should always run one EA Studio Generator per browser instance. You must open different browser instances (windows) for each Generator instead of separate tabs.

The Generator must be in an active tab.


Some browsers have experimental "power save" modes. If this is your case, you have to find a way to switch it off.


The higher CPU clock means a faster Generator.