Topic: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

Hello, I've created a strategy with Expert Advisor Studio but it does not open any trade, It work good on the strategy tester mt5 but does not work on live chart.

I've tried the EA with strategy tester on others symbol and it do not open any trade.

Thank you

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EA Studio EURUSD M5 77158295 FBS.mq5 22.45 kb, 15 downloads since 2022-03-04 

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2 (edited by ViniQ 2022-03-07 13:17:28)

Re: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

Hello aliceajam you're welcome!

There is many reasons for your broker reject the order send by mt5. eg: No margin, broker not allow expert advisors for this account, not the right filling type for the order.

Read the logs at the MT5 Journal "MT5 > View > Toolbox > Journal" find the rejected orders to understand the reason.

Give us a feedback if there is any problem related to EAS expert. See you.

3 (edited by aliceajam 2022-03-12 17:32:00)

Re: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

How can I test when it does not work?
just work backtest not work in demo or real account
I work with Liteforex broker and sending email and say's:expert problems

Re: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

How can help me for resolve problem for EA?

Re: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

I tested your expert and it works flawlessly.

Please see the screenshot and set similar settings to the Mt tester as mine.

If you still have problems, please post screenshots.
it will help us to detect and solve the problem

Re: EA work on strategy tester but not in live

Thank you for reply
EA work on strategy tester but not work in Real or Demo account
I checking with 3 different brokers but not work in Real or Demo account

Post's attachments

backtest2.JPG 253.04 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

backtest3.JPG 212.42 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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