Topic: Comparing the speed of EA Studio in Chrome and Nodejs

Hello Traders,

I decided to test if the Chrome browser slows down EA Studio.

I made it possible to run EA Studio locally in Nodejs and compared it with chrome with the same settings and data.

The result is surprising.

Link to YouTube: … exSoftware

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2 (edited by geektrader 2021-11-11 05:59:47)

Re: Comparing the speed of EA Studio in Chrome and Nodejs

Nice test, I wonder what happens if you use special optimized Chromium builds - here those are even faster than Chrome: … -win64-avx

In any case, it would still be nice to be able to run EA Studio standalone, even if it´s a little slower. Simply for the reason to have the history data locally if there is no internet connection or your server went down, or EA Studio is not further developed one day and you decide to shut down the web servers.

Thanks a lot for considering this option, even if it´s slower.

Re: Comparing the speed of EA Studio in Chrome and Nodejs

> Thanks a lot for considering this option, even if it´s slower.

I believe the speed has to be comparable. It looks like there are significant optimizations in the V8 engine between v9.4 and v9.5.

I check the Node alternative - Deno. It uses V8 v9.7. However, it is not compatible with my local EA Studio build, and I could not make the performance test.

Another possible reason for the Node slowdown can be slow console output. I may make further checks by reducing the console update to once per second. Now it redraws at every new counter update.
The browser also updates at every counter change, but it seems it is mutch faster.

Re: Comparing the speed of EA Studio in Chrome and Nodejs

I have seen huge speed differences with various V8 implementations before. It pretty much depends a lot on the compiler used. For example, all Chrome/Chromium builds are PGO optimized these days, this gives a huge speed advantage in execution speed. Just compare the standard Chrome to the Chromium AVX builds I´ve linked above, they are again much faster than the standard Chrome, even if they use the same V8 version. Node.js on the other hand, does not seem to have any PGO when compiling, hence the speed is so slow.

It´d still be great to have a standalone version maybe via Deno.