Topic: Memory issues in Portfolio

Anyone else having problems loading the summary for the Portfolio page.  Earlier versions used to have it that as soon as you loaded the Collection into the Portfolio, the summary would populate but now you have to hit Calculate.  Every time I do, the summary loads like 90-95 strategies (out of 100) before it craps out and Chrome tells me I ran out of memory.  When I go to reload the page I've lost that Collection and Portfolio. 

Anyone else having this issue?  Is it a Chrome thing?

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

yes i have the same. first it was directly calculated now i have also to hit the calculate button to get the portolio results...but in my case it isnt crashing or loosing strategys only the button i have to hit.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Same here, seems something was changed in how this is being managed memory-wise. It is only a problem if using large amounts of bars, but it should be fixed.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Please tell me the steps to reporduce the issue?

5 (edited by seejay85 2021-10-29 02:04:43)

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio


1. Using the Reactor to produce a 100 strategy collection.  Currency pair doesn't matter.  I'm using 200 000 bars for the back test.

2. Once the Reactor is finished, I want to upload the entire 100 to the Portfolio so I select add all.  In the past once I did this, the Portfolio would automatically generate the Summary of my 100 and all the statistics to go with it.  Now it simply loads them into the Content tab, and I have to hit Calculate to generate a Portfolio summary.

3. Once I've hit Calculate, the Portfolio begins calculating the 100.  Usually once I've past 90 or so, it slows to a crawl and never quite makes it to 100 before cutting out and giving me an Out of Memory error (I don't believe the error page belongs to EA Studio - it looks more like a Chrome page).

Post's attachments

Error msg.jpg 78 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Step 1.jpg 192.21 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Step 2.jpg 211.76 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

Step 3.jpg 211.95 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Thank you!

I'll try to replicate it.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

I managed to optimize the memory usage for the Collection and Portfolio recalculation.

Please reload EA Studio to have the latest release.

Now it uses a maximum of 350 MB when calculating 300 strategies on 200 000 bars.
The previous version reaches more than 4 GB of RAM.

See the performance charts:

Current version:

Previous version:

I'll take care of the other misbehaviour also.

Please report any issues.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Now the Portfolio doesn't need to recalculate after pushing freshly generated strategies.

Added a "Remove All" button to the Portfolio Summary page.

Please reload EA Studio.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

maybe this caused the crash in generating?

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

It seems to be working for me - will keep you updated!  Thanks Popov!

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Great work Popov, reducing from 4GB to 400MB, wow! Amazing coding skills, thanks for the great update!

12 (edited by Roughey 2021-11-04 15:55:36)

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

hi, i cannot find the remove all button also i have to click on calculate . i have refresh 15 times my browser.

hmm maybe it would be nice to see a version of eas!

in your footer "Copyright © 2006 - 2021 Forex Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Version: xx.xx"

So if you announce new version than you say version 2.9 out now.and we can see if we have latest.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

> hi, I cannot find the remove all button...

It is nothing special.

>  also, I have to click on calculate

We need to "Calculate" when we reload EA Studio. I tried to make the Portfolio stats persistent, but it added 4 MB to the collection file. I think it is safer to leave it without that for now. I'm not sure about the capacity of the "local storage" of the different devices. someone may decide to generate strategies on his watch. (Actually, I tried it on the infotainment system on my car, but it froze!? Please don't run the Reactor on your car during driving.)

>  Version: xx.xx"

It has versioning, but I bump it only when it needs to force a reload. ( Showing the blue bar "New version available"... ) I find it too cumbersome because I upload 5-10 versions per day when working spiritedly.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

Popov wrote:

> hi, I cannot find the remove all button...

It is nothing special.

>  also, I have to click on calculate

We need to "Calculate" when we reload EA Studio. I tried to make the Portfolio stats persistent, but it added 4 MB to the collection file. I think it is safer to leave it without that for now. I'm not sure about the capacity of the "local storage" of the different devices. someone may decide to generate strategies on his watch. (Actually, I tried it on the infotainment system on my car, but it froze!? Please don't run the Reactor on your car during driving.)

>  Version: xx.xx"

It has versioning, but I bump it only when it needs to force a reload. ( Showing the blue bar "New version available"... ) I find it too cumbersome because I upload 5-10 versions per day when working spiritedly.

version...maybe it could be programming automatically add version number or a time stamp...

what i notice is have collection with 100 ...when i add them to portfolio i have to click calculate but then he didint put all sorted some strategies out..but dont know why

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

> but then he didint put all sorted some strategies out

It can be resolved correlations.

>  it could be programming automatically add version number or a time stamp..

It is a good idea!

16 (edited by Roughey 2021-11-04 19:21:29)

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

it would be nice that you can put in your help section the special codes for chnaging the settings to get more bars or more in collection. i cant find that thread where you put in some codes for some changes

or make a sticky on forum with these special codes that will work..

also a sticky will be nice for the performance on chrome that users know that chromium with special command line is the best..or have a Faq page or so.

after a while i cannot find on what thread this helpings are.

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio

>  it could be programming automatically add version number or a time stamp..

We can see the EA Studio's update time at the bottom of the screen.
Thank you Roughey for the good idea!

Re: Memory issues in Portfolio
