Topic: Changing The Template Automatically Based on Day and Time
Hello guys,
I would like to suggest you a new EA idea that will be helpful and needed by many traders. Please go through the following scenario:
In my trading strategy I use an EA that helps me in my trading. But, from time to time I have to change the EA's settings from time to time in order to match the market activities. For example: the settings that I use in my EA at morning time is deferent than that I use during night time. Also, the settings that I use in Monday is deferent than that I use in Friday... etc. Therefore, I have to create predefined template with deferent EA's settings in each of them, and I switch between them in day time and night time, some time I use deferent template based on the day of the week as I explained earlier.
I have created many templates and each template has deferent EA's settings, one of them called: Morning Template, and the other one is named: Night Template. Also, other one named: Monday Trading, and the other one Friday Trading... etc.
Now, I'm looking for EA which could switch between my templates automatically for me based on day and time in all charts one time. something like this:
1st Template day: (Drop Down menu to select the day in the week)
1st: Template Hour: (Drop Down menu to select the hour)
1st: Template Minute: (Drop Down menu to select the Minute)
1st: Template Name: (Text box where I add the name of the template)
2nd: Template day: (Drop Down menu to select the day in the week)
2nd : Template Hour: (Drop Down menu to select the hour)
2nd : Template Minute: (Drop Down menu to select the Minute)
2nd : Template Name: (Text box where I add the name of the template)
.... etc
So, in the day of the week, hour and minute is reach the EA will switch to the template that is specified in the settings, and so on.
Believe me, there are many traders are looking for such EA like this but there is no one in the net.
If you decide to develop it please let me know and thank you in advance