Topic: FSB Pro EA Error


I created a strategy in FSB Pro and exported as a MT4 EA. It is working apparently into MT4 like in FSB Pro but if I try to make a back testing into MT4 I receive the following error (see picture):

Cannot load enough bars! The expert needs minimum 324 bars.
Please check the "Use date" option and set the "From:" and "To:" dates properly.

Of course, I have a big data history into MT4, I already said, only in back testing is not working.

What I find very interesting is that the bars into visual back testing window are locked between 2 and 8 April.

I put the MT4 EA and the XML Strategy into the next posts because as I see is possible only one file to upload per post.

What is happening? Thanks in advance.

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2020-09-03 09_24_35-Window.png 17.01 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: FSB Pro EA Error

This is the MT4 EA

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Testing.mq4 333.02 kb, 7 downloads since 2020-09-03 

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Re: FSB Pro EA Error

This is the FSB Pro strategy

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Testing.xml 19.21 kb, 6 downloads since 2020-09-03 

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Re: FSB Pro EA Error

There is something wrong with the MT data. Please try to test another expert on that market without changing the other parameters.

Please post a screenshot of the MT Tester.

Your expert works fine in my test.

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test-expert-in-mt4-works-fine.png 64.5 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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5 (edited by mentosan 2020-09-03 08:53:43)

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

Hallo Popov,

Ok now I tested the MACD Sample from MT4 default expert advisors folder and it is working flowless.

I tested my strategy also on the second PC and I receive the same error. Is it possible to be a Broker problem? I have a  pepperstone account...

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2020-09-03 09_45_53-Window.png 18.73 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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6 (edited by mentosan 2020-09-03 09:01:20)

Re: FSB Pro EA Error


you had right Popov, it was from MT4. I reinstalled it and now everything works just fine.

thanks for your very fast help....

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

I have the same exact problem.  Now that I got the data fixed on FSB and was able to generate a strategy, I cannot back test in any of the 3 MT4 terminals I have.  But unlike mentosan, I am using TDS data.  So I have to install a fresh MT4 terminal for the EA to back test?  The data will still be coming from TDS though.  Please advise.  Thanks.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

Any update on this?  I continue to waste time creating strategies and cannot back test in MT4.  Actually, I can, but I cannot use TDS data.  I have to use the crappy, inaccurate data from the broker.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

We can't provide MT support, that is the responsibility of metaquotes and your broker. By the way, what do your brokers say?

Can you take a working mt and switch its data? You paste or import tds data or whatever you have and try to backtest offline if a double backtest is so relevant to you. EA file needs a slight change though to work without login in offline condition, but this is easy to do.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

I still do not know why I cannot BT on MT4 using 99.99% tick data from Dukascopy.  The way TDS works is it provided accurate tick data and integrates that into MT4.  So, there should be no difference between testing in MT4 with TDS ticks and inaccurate broker downloaded ticks/bars.  I have paxforex, coinexx and traders way terminals on my desktop specifically used for testing EA's.  And even if I get another broker MT4, it will be the same problem.  Bad data from broker (less than 99.99% accuracy).  How is anyone using MT4 strategy tester for EA's created from FSB with ACCURATE data? 

And the reason I paid for Tick Data Suite is because it is integrated into MT4 so that I can test with commission, variable spreads, different leverage, etc.  Real world trading.  If you don't test this way, then the EA is going to perform like crap.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

I see, you are using tick data suite, can they help you? As far as I understand your problem stems from mt and tds not working together.

Well, not everyone are into double, triple, quadruple backtests, because it can get you only so far. In terms of FSB, it is a very good backtesting program. Let me give you an example: you say multiple times "99.99%", can you define it please in a meaningful way?
At the same time lets see what FSB tells: I devised a simple strategy and the BT quality is 100%.

How is that number derived in comparison with that marketology slogan 99.99?

The formula is: 100.0 * (testedBars - ambiguousBars) / testedBars

Not convinced? There's medicine for that as well, it is called Bar Explorer, one can look at every bar and every trade and study how every single trade is carried out. Total transparency compared to mt backtester and all that 99.99999 bs, pardon my French.

Commissions, leverage, spread - you can test them all in FSB and the upshot is that it is light years faster than mt. Yes, spread is not variable, but set it higher then. The time it takes to backtest in FSB is like an eye blink. Use it to your advantage.

The most relevant of it all is how the strat/EA behaves during live trading. If there is a problem, mismatch of some kind, broker tricks, then no backtest will help.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me.

But here is what I don't understand.  Every single EA from any source I can back test in MT4 using TDS tick data except for an EA created from FSB.  Even EA's that I create from SQX can easily be back tested on MT4 with TDS tick data.  Why is it I cannot back test with FSB created EA's?  Now, when I do not use TDS ticks in the MT4 ST terminal, and I set the spread to 2, yes, I can finally back test.  BUT, it takes literally multiple days to back test and it still will not finish.  I am now trying to do back testing in MT5 because MT5 loads its own data broker broker with higher accuracy.  But I STILL cannot BT with FSB created EA's even in MT5.  I have downloaded all ticks for any pair and nothing works.  My agents tab in MT5 just reads "core 01 0.1%" for hours and hours.  What is the point of using this software if I cannot back test in the terminal that I would be running the EA in?  And exactly how do you know the data history in FSB is 99.99% when it is originally imported from the same MT4 broker that is giving less then 99% when back testing other EA's.  Now, on that point, it took me two weeks to figure out how to import quality ticks/bars from TDS and load them into FSB.  But, I still need to verify on a BT.  And I also want to be able to send the EA to a buddy or even sell it on MQL5.  How is anyone going to back test an EA created from FSB if they cannot back test??  I am pulling my hair out and need help....

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

You are talking about 2 different things, which are not, they are not the same! Backtest quality and data quality are not the same. If you have lousy backtesting engine like mt, then it doesn't matter how good your data is, the result is still shi+.

What errors you have then? Not enough bars? Can you set up your 99.99 to start after say 500 bars? For example, if you have a MA200 in your strat, then it needs at least 200 bars to calculate the first MA value. That's how this works.

BUT, it takes literally multiple days to back test

Yeah, my point exactly! Mt is useless as a backtesting platform, FSB does much more and is way faster.

I have downloaded all ticks

Ticks are not needed. The whole concept of FSB is based on bar data. If you have a backtest quality of 100% or 99% then what ticks? Bars are enough.

What is the point of using this software

To develop and backtest strategies and trade them. What else is there? Backtesting hasn't made anyone a profit yet, trading has. Trading is very difficult business and much more than a backtest in mt.

And exactly how do you know the data history in FSB is 99.99% when it is originally imported from the same MT4 broker that is giving less then 99% when back testing other EA's

Ok, answer my question I asked before, what is 9999 and what is less than 9999? What is it? Give me a formula! Then we can discuss. 9999 is hocus-pocus until there is factual statement in the form of mathematical formula.
And you can use History Center in FSB to see stats about loaded data and make up your own mind. Again, those are facts you see there, not some 9999 voodoo, which cannot be explained.

import quality ticks/bars from TDS and load them into FSB

Bar data is needed, not ticks.

And I also want to be able to send the EA to a buddy or even sell it on MQL5

Whose stopping you? Don't they have a live track record going on in mql5, why don't trade then? Are there really people who buy third-party EAs based on unknown backtests and backtests alone? Hmm, I could churn out a backtest result, which would make anyone's head spin - straight diagonal shooting from the left corner to the upper right!


Long story short. FSB interests you only in the form of EA export function. And it has to be backtestable by 3rd party data providers using mt. Ok, there's your problem - TDS and mt malfunction when using FSBs EAs. Ask them if there is a way to start a backtest further back, so there would be enough bars for the EA to calculate correct values. If they say it is not possible, then that's the end of the road for you. You have closure and you can stop wasting your time and find what suits you best.

Hope this helps!

14 (edited by JamesBay 2020-11-22 15:47:03)

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

Thank you again for your reply.  Much appreciated.

I finally figured out how to back test in MT4 and with TDS data.  TDS helped me with the settings so I don't get the error (not enough bars).  But, then there is the problem with the back testing speed.  You are right, something is wrong with the EA code after Editor compiling and it takes days to test.  Any chance I can fix this somehow?

I would not only like to make EA's for myself, but also be able to sell good ones online.  And as you know, the standard for showing results is through users being able to back test in MetaTrader unfortunately.   Maybe something I can change in the coding before compiling?

Thanks again.

Oh - and the developer of TDS provided this to help with back testing in MT4/5 with FSB generated EA's.  Maybe help?

Re: FSB Pro EA Error


I created several good strategies that I have in demo, but still trying to back test in MT4 so that I can sell in MQL5.  Again, I cannot sell in MQL5 without the customer being able to back test first in MT4.  Is there anything I can do to code before compiling that will allow for a faster BT in MT4? 

I did have an exchange with someone else who is selling EA's made from FSB and he said he has the same problem and it does affect sales.  I bought one of his EA's and it seems to be good, but the community really needs help on this.  I don't even mind hiring a coder to remove or amend codes that is slowing the EA down from testing.

Thanks for all your help.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

... to remove or amend codes that are slowing the EA down from testing.

The FSB Pro experts are designed to be fast and safe for generating and testing in FSB Pro. That is. You either generate complex experts in FSB Pro or make fast tests in MetaTrader.

If you want fast tests in MetaTrader, use Expert Advisor Studio

17 (edited by JamesBay 2020-12-03 02:57:05)

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

Now I understand.  Thank you.  Appreciate the response.

One last question please: in FSB, is there an area that I can have the user chose MM or fixed lot?  I would like both options on the input area for the user.

Re: FSB Pro EA Error

it is better to create two separate strategies. With FSB Pro you are not limited to one expert.