Topic: mql4 icon
Do you have experiences mql4 icon disappeared? Normally when MQL4 is downloaded, the front of the file has unique mql4 icon. Now the icon is disappeared. Any idea?
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Forex Software → Help and Support → mql4 icon
Do you have experiences mql4 icon disappeared? Normally when MQL4 is downloaded, the front of the file has unique mql4 icon. Now the icon is disappeared. Any idea?
You can right-click on the file and choose the "Open with" option. Then choose with which program you want to open the file. You may need to browse to the particular program if it is not on the list. When you do it, the Windows will use the icon of the chosen program for the files with such an extension.
If it is mq4 file, you may choose the MT Editor.
Forex Software → Help and Support → mql4 icon
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