1 (edited by gogos71 2020-05-08 10:43:22)

Topic: MT5 Backtest doesn't work

Hi, recently I was making some strategies mostly based on Percentage entry, but they seem to don't work with the MT5 tester. What would be the problem? My strategies are based on 2-3 indicators. I attach the strategy and EA. 200 USD deposit and 500 leverage. testing from 2019-05-20 to 2020-05-07

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kopia1.mq5 260.74 kb, 2 downloads since 2020-05-08 

kopia1.xml 7.95 kb, 8 downloads since 2020-05-08 

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Re: MT5 Backtest doesn't work

In what way they don't seem to work? Don't compile? What are error messages? You need to give more info.

Re: MT5 Backtest doesn't work

Hi, sorry for lack of information, it compliles no error messages, they just don't trade. They don't make orders.

Re: MT5 Backtest doesn't work

It works fine as far as I can see. You probably have strategy properties not suitable to your account.

Re: MT5 Backtest doesn't work


There are issues when FSB translates code to MT5.

On my experience I found some EA's that work in tandem MT4 - MT5 , but in most cases there are a lot of divergences.

So, since I have not been able to find a reliable translation I only use MT4 EA's

There several issues reported  on the forum which you can follow an learn from it.

There are users exclusively of MT5 , sincerely I do not know how they are doing it since all the flaws I found tell me just to stay any form using any EA on MT5.

If you find any break trough please report . I have not been able to find any success in more that 500 experiments so far , so I quit . May be I doing something wrong .