Topic: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

If I backtest in metatrader 5 my EA, than I get great results, when I put modelling on 1 minute OHLC in settings. But when I put modelling on every tick, I get almost the opposite results. So my question is how can I let the EA trade on the 1 minute OHLC? Is it posible dat someone maby has a script for it, that I can put in the EA?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best regards Christian.

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

In my experience every time I change the time frames I get different results .
Each EA is dependent on the times frames.
I have not been able to acquire tick data and test on this data.
OHLC looks as if where independent from the TF ( time frames ) selected.

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

Hello Christian,

The MT backtester has known issues with the so-called "tick" testing. I put "tick" in quotation marks because MT doesn't use real ticks but fabricates waypoints in a predefined way. The biggest problem is that it doesn't fabricate "ticks" for the last 15-20 seconds of some bars and that greatly changes the backtest result.

Please test your Expert with the "control points" method.

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

Thanks Maximus en mister Popov for your quick response.

But I shall explain myself further. I have tested my strategy also in real time for 2 weeks, and the resluts where almost the same as the backtesting tick data. My ea is the price move 44, and it looks like it is making to many trades every minute.  So how can I make sure that actually the EA gets every 1 minute 1 tick only. Is there maby some sort of code for, that I can paste in the script on the right place?

I think a lot of licensed mebers are having the same isuee es I have. So it would be amazing if someone could help me with this!

Thanks a lot in advance, best regards Christian.

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

So how can I make sure that actually the EA gets every 1 minute 1 tick only.

The "Price Move" indicator sets two entry points per bar: Bar Open + shift and Bar Open - shift. Depending on the exit rules, it is possible to have two entries per bar. Here is an example:

[Opening Point of the Position]
     Price Move
     Enter long after an upward move
     Base price  -  Open
     Price move  -  100
     Use previous bar value  -  No

[Closing Point of the Position]
     Stop Limit
     Exit at Stop Loss or at Take Profit
     Stop Loss  -  20
     Take Profit  -  20

If you have one exit point like Bar Exit and no SL and TP, the strategy will be able to make only one entry per bar.

However, you can limit the strategy and respectively the exported Expert Advisor to trade ones per bar by using the "Enter Once" indicator. Here is an example:

[Opening Logic Condition]
     Enter Once
     Enter no more than once a bar

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

Thanks a lot Mister Popov, I really appreciate your help!

Re: Trade on the 1 minute OHLC

This is great insight.
Thank you Mr. Popov