Topic: CSV file format from QuantDataManager not valid for FSB

Hello Mr Popop and everybody and happy New Year,

I would like to use the Data downloaded (in CSV format) from QuantDataManager software in FSB.

There are several file format to export Data in csv format but none of them are valid in FSB. I have tried all the csv file format possibilities that QuantDataManager offers in "Export to csv".

Has anyone had the same issue?  or does anyone knows how to use csv files or modify them from QuantDataManager in order to use in FSB?

Thank you very much and good trade

Re: CSV file format from QuantDataManager not valid for FSB

I think that program is geared to put data into MT4 or MT5.

Therefore, you can get the data into MT4 or MT5 and use the appropriate software provided to get the data to FSBPro.

FSBPro wants a certain type of file to import, we have to use the software provided

Re: CSV file format from QuantDataManager not valid for FSB

FSB Pro accepts various formats.

Please see the available options here:

Re: CSV file format from QuantDataManager not valid for FSB

Use a spreadsheet type program to align the necessary data columns into a suitable format. A bit of copy-pasting, but nothing dramatic.