Topic: First Day Running 7 PEs on Demo Account. Wow!

I am a new EAS user. During my 14-day trial I came up with a workflow that fits me well... using Reactor to generate and rigorously validate strategies for 7 different currency pairs at the same time. The end result of this workflow is one portfolio export per pair, each containing exactly 10 (best) strategies that all trade on M1 timeframe. I then started running these PEs on a Demo account today. They have been running for almost 24 hours now. The results are amazing. So far, I'll chalk this up to luck. Obviously, I need to let it run for at least week or until I have at least 100 trades before I get too excited. And the plan is to let each PE run in a demo account for at least a month before it's promoted to a live account (if profitable). But, what I've seen in the first 24 hours is pretty amazing. See attached screen shot from MyFXBook.

Yes, using EAS I was able to earn 269 pips in my first 24 hours on a demo account by winning 21 out of 23 trades with 7 portfolio EAs trading each of the Forex majors on the M1 chart. I'm using a 0.01 lot size on all trades. My drawdown is about 6%. My comfort level with drawdowns is about 20%, so I could have tripled my lot sizes. If I had done that, I would have profited about $70 on a $7,000 demo account. That's 1% per day!

Needless say, so far I am very happy with these results. I'm eager to see what the next 24 hours brings and even more eager to see the end-of-week results.

Someone pinch me. Is this abnormal? Beginner's luck? Obviously I need more data for this success to be statistically valid. But, what else am I neglecting in measuring my success so far?

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EAS Results after 24 hours.png 33.94 kb, 1 downloads since 2019-12-09 

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Re: First Day Running 7 PEs on Demo Account. Wow!

i think beginners luck...but you can make money with it...but m1 i never use. what are your stoplosses are the big?

i have run 15 portfolios started with 150 dollars and now i am on 1500 dollars in a month...but i put away all eas every 4 weeks and generate new and do the same.

3 (edited by sidmcfarland 2019-12-09 18:50:56)

Re: First Day Running 7 PEs on Demo Account. Wow!

Roughey wrote:

i think beginners luck...but you can make money with it...but m1 i never use. what are your stoplosses are the big?

It's 7 portfolio EAs. Each EA has 10 strategies. Each strategy has it's own rules (own stop losses). So it depends. In *most* cases, there was no stop loss. Also, in most cases, the trade was closed by a TP. I understand the risk of not having a SL and how this may show a profitable strategy with a hidden risk of a large loss. Perhaps in future strategy generation I'll require a SL as part of the validation.

Roughey wrote:

i have run 15 portfolios started with 150 dollars and now i am on 1500 dollars in a month...but i put away all eas every 4 weeks and generate new and do the same.

My plan is run all the PE collections through Validator each month and keep those strategies that still pass validation using newly obtained backtesting data... and then add newly generated strategies for the next month to the existing collection... so that consistently profitable strategies remain but are constantly at risk of being replaced by more profitable strategies. Survival of the fittest.