1 (edited by Minch 2019-11-04 18:09:42)

Topic: Strategy Builder - Settings


I have been having a few issues and would be grateful for some advice on the following:

1. When I try to find strategies using default settings (i.e. 10,000 GBP account value) and then test these in MT4 with an actual account value of GBP 500, I get no trades in MT4. Is this normal? It seems obvious now ... but I should always be synchronizing the account value in FSB and MT4 - is that correct?

2. Is the account value in FSB considering the leverage at my broker? Ie if I have actual funds of GBP 500 but my leverage is 20:1, should my account value in FSB actually be 10,000 after all? Therefore, both MT4 and FSB should be 10,000 GBP?

3. When I find strategies in FSB using my account value of GBP 500, I get no results returned when I select to trade 1% of the account value. This stumped me for a while until I realised that, if you change this to 0.01 LOTS instead of a %, then this creates the trades. Any idea why this is? If I trade a fixed number of lots, if my account value increases, so should the amount per trade, am I interpreting that correctly?

4. My trade results on FSB and MT4 backtest differ for the same strategy. This is probably normal since Im using different data BUT - is there any advantage to using FSB or MT4 data to find strategies (or do we assume a robust strategy should be profitable on both sets of data?)

5. And final question - once I have my collection in the repository, is there a way to open all the strategies and get them into a collection more easily than doing it one-by-one?

Thank you for your guidance

Re: Strategy Builder - Settings

> 1. When I try to find strategies using default settings (i.e. 10,000 GBP account value)

Depending on teh leverage, you may need larger than 500 GBP account. The initial strategy of FSB Pro opens 1 lot. You may use a template strategy if you want the entry lot size to be lower.

> 2. Is the account value in FSB considering the leverage at my broker?

FSB Pro doesn't know which is your broker. However, you may set the leverage in the Control panel -> Account settings.

> 3. When I find strategies in FSB using my account value of GBP 500, I get no results returned when I select to trade 1%

Most probably the FSB Pro initial account is higher than your real account. it will be easier for you if you set FSB Pro Initial account to 500 GBP.

>  is there any advantage to using FSB or MT4 data to find strategies

Use the MT4 data, if you want to have the same results in FSB Pro and MNT. This is the prefered way of using the program.

> And final question - once I have my collection in the repository, is there a way to open all the strategies and get them into a collection more easily than doing it one-by-one?

You can export a Portfolio Expert with EA Studio.

Re: Strategy Builder - Settings

Thank you very much - that makes sense and helps alot. I think that the EA studio is going to be more suitable for me at the moment since it has the robustness check workflow. I do have a couple more questions about that one, but will post them under the appropriate thread.

Its amazing software, by the way - I love it.