1 (edited by Popov 2019-09-29 21:09:47)

Topic: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]


can someone check if this is a bug?

I make strategies with reactor and get this as shown here.

when i click on the strategy i get this


What i also checked is when i click on strategy editor click next strategy from collection dont work good,,maybe someone can check..

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

Please export the expert from the Collection.
Export it also from the Editor for comparison.

Did you use the Normalizer in the Reactor?

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I confirm the bug. I'll work today to fix it.

Thank you for the report!

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

yes it loooks like only when use normalizer..i checked normal reactor works well

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I fixed some issues in the Normalizer but cannot be sure this bug is fixed because I couldn't find a particular reason.

Please reload EA Studio with Ctrl + F5.

Please "Reset'"  the Reactor and set your setting again. We will be sure that all the options are set correctly. 

Please report any issues you find.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

i have just checked and it seems that something curious.

all my strategies looking well in collection add it to portfolio...normally i have same backtest in mt4 as in eastudio...now all eas are differently working..

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I'll not stop working until I'm sure EA Studio is 100% reliable.

Please report any issues.

8 (edited by Roughey 2019-09-30 06:38:11)

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

yesterday night i started new reactor sessions with complete reloaded and resetetting all..

same issues. Collection are good strategies when i click on it all destroyed.also load next from collection work for 1 strategies.

also portfolio with a nice curve is destroyed on mt4 which was almost the same before update

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

it must be something with normalizer when not use it eas are good..portfolios and normal..now i cannot help you anymore cause i only see nice collection when i click on strategy its damaged..why dont know.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I'll make an automated tester for the Reactor. It will catch and report such issues. I'll be able to see when the problem exactly happens and will be able to fix it.

It is a good challenge for this sunny Bulgarian Monday 22C at 9 AM.

11 (edited by Michael1 2019-09-30 09:59:31)

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

Hi Popov,

I believe there be an issue with either two things 1. Data not loaded completely in the reactor when it says it is or 2. The normaliser has an issue.

SO basically I am running 3 windows of EA Studio with the exact same settings and symbol etc (every setting and variable is exactly the same) however 2 windows have passed 170 strategys each and this window has passed 0.

If you have a look at the passes it is making on the normailiser you will see they are very very large, especially compared to my other 2 windows.

Im sorry I can be of to much more help except that I stopped that window of EA Studio, refreshed and in 5 minutes I have passed 9 strategys into the collection.

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Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I cannot reproduce the problem.

Please send me your settings to try with them. It teh issue may appear in a specific case only.

13 (edited by Michael1 2019-09-30 10:01:10)

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

Here are the settings. Oncwe the window was refreshed everything is working fine.

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Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I'm running automated tests and cannot reproduce the bug anymore.

If I find something I'll fix it.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

again i just start a new instance same settings one with normalizer one without...i will report when its found some strategies

16 (edited by Roughey 2019-09-30 13:25:27)

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

same thing reactor without normalizer works normal.

with normalizer its a bug.

i just checked out it looks like the second strategie make problems. when i click on 2nd i get bad chart in editor also load next from collection only switch between first and second strategies.

When i click on 3rd strategie all looks good. also the load next from collection works.
So i am uploading also an video to show you .


Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

Wow. I just see you probably have the Use Acceptance Criteria off.  I didn't imagine to test it without AC.

When I switch the AC off, it started degrading the performance!!!

I'll check what is happening. Most probably it thinks we don't care for the performance, but just for removing indicators smile))))

I'll fix it easily now.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

Normalizer got crazy when I switch the Acceptance Criteria off.

Result by the automated program quality testing;


It was not even a single report when AC are on.

19 (edited by Roughey 2019-09-30 14:03:24)

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

again new instance started with reloaded and reset settings. same problem..now its not the second strategie its the first...

here my settings ac is on

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EA Studio Settings 2019-09-30.json 7.56 kb, 1 downloads since 2019-09-30 

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Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

It looks like I have underestimated the complexity of the normalization algorithm. At least I have now a reference point and know how to test it.

In order to make it faster, I decided to mark the strategy indicators as "ignored" for the calculations. If the strategy fails, I remove the "ignore" and continue. However, it was a mistake.

For example, when the strategy has 1 exit indicator. It must close a position when the indicator gives a "close" signal.
When I mark indicator as "ignored" it never gives a Close signal and the strategy doesn't work. However, if the indicator is really removed, the strategy will close at every Bar Open.

It is possible to have other cases also, so I'll need some time to figure it out.
It happens that when the AC is on, the Normalizer naturally ignores such results and the bug appears much rarely.

Anyway, it all guarantees that the software will be much more reliable after fixing these issues.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

I fixed the case when the Normalizer ignores a single close indicator. The automated tests do not show more issues.

Please reload EA Studio.

Re: Bug with Normalizer - strategy shows lower result. [Fixed]

now for first time it looks good