Topic: Getting SPAM trading system live on WWW
SPAM is the best Forex Strategy Builder for novice and non-programmer, no doubt about it.
In the few day I have tried it, even without reading any documentation, I could come out with profitable forex systems. Now having "found" this new strategy of mine there is this urge to see if it works in the real world.
Someone have mention web based trading for FSB strategy ( this is a good idea, one do not have to worry about internet connection interruption and power falure, which may contribute to the failure of the trading system due to break down in the system logic as the result to the interruption), where you upload your SPAM trading strategy system and it trade on the given SPAM strategy file. I know linking with brokers will take time, so how about a demo first where all trading are just a number game. You may charge a yearly fee to pay the resources that need to put it in place.
One concern will be the integrity of the strategy file, how can it be ensure that no one can lay their hand on it. One way is to have an option for it to work with a given account number only and then the entire file encrypt before its uploaded to the server.
Hopefully, the idea on web based actual trading will materialized as soon as possible.