Topic: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

Hi Popov,

Loving the new updates however there is one big request I have which I have seen requested over and over again.

Instead of have a strategy ID number can we please use the strategy’s magic number. Ie once the strategies go into the portfolio part of EA Studio a magic number is generated 001, 002 etc.

This way when we reimport we can see each strategy and reassess each magic number based on there results much easier.

I have a huge amount of Profitable/unprofitable strategies inside a portfolio and I want to delve deeper and analyse how  do they profitable strategies vs unprofitable react to robustness tests in order to generate more profitable strategies in the future.

At the moment it is impossible to draw any conclusion on what works/doesn’t work in criteria’s/robustness testing/optimisation as we cannot reimport based on magic numbers and assess strategies one by one.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

Michael, I think for that for 3 years and unfortunately, I cannot find a working solution. We cannot simply use consecutive numbers because you can run several copies of EA Studio and the numbers will be in conflict. Another problem is that meaningful numbers are limited but the strategies do not. The Generator may generate billions of strategies per month. If you have several running generator you will not be able to manage the numbers in several months. Another problem is that you may have many equal strategies with different numbers. Currently, EA Studio keeps a record of 999 major numbers with 20 versions of each. This number works well but it is impractical to keep a record if billions of strategies.

If you can figure out a working proposal, be sure I'm the first man that will support it. I want most off all the program to be good and to work well for all traders. However, in real life, it is always a matter of trade-off.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

Thanks for the reply Popov,

Would it be possible however when you reimport a portfolio through the validation to have the first 3 numbers of the strategy ID match up with the magic number of that strategy?

IE portfolio with a base magic number 111 reimported into collection would have strategy ID 001 being magic number 111001 for example?

Or even have some code put in the exported .mql file which logs the strategy ID in EA Studio?

For example I reimport a portfolio. I want to look at magic number 111030 so I scroll through MetaEditor and find strategy properties 030 and it has the EA Studio strategy ID noted?

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

The strategy ID numbers are reusable. They make sense only until the number of strategies with unique trading rules is less than 999. After that EA Studio starts re-using the numbers for the newly generated strategies. If you re-import a strategy, it may have but may not have the same ID. THe available ID numbers are only 999 but the possible strategies are unlimited.

The only solution for you is to organise the exported experts in folders or to manually rename them as you want. Please note that even the MT Magic numbers are limited (actually not documented but for sure less than 2147483647) It looks like a lot, but it is not enough for the EA Studio Generator. You can also use a much lower number for the Portofino Expert.
On the other hand, if we store such number of strategies in order to guarantee the correct identification, your browser will die because it is limited to 2 GB RAM per tab.

A possible solution is to generate a unique hashtag for each strategy. It may look like that: 6A204BD89F3C8348AFD5C77C717A097A

It may be in the exported expert advisors code. However, I don't see any way it will help. It will not guarantee unique either magic numbers or strategy rules. It will be just a unique ID for each strategy.

Anyway, you can try it. Just copy your expert code here:

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

I understand what you are saying and am beginning to understand the problem we face.

Is there any way possible that we could reupload the portfolio either through the validator or save it as a collection and upload the collection or even add a function to reupload a portfolio as a portfolio and EA Studio sorts the strategies in ascending order based on the magic number it assigned to each individual strategy’s when the portfolio was first exported.

Ie xxx000 top of the list xxx001 second etc etc.

Basically have EA Studio look at the 3 digit magic number it assigned each strategy and using that to display the strategies in sequential order rather than sort by: balance line stability etc etc.

I understand the infinite number of generated strategies but this is solely for the purpose of upload a portfolio to review and just have some organised way to view the strategies based on there already assigned 3 digit magic number from when the portfolio was first exported.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

why do not you use MT4 tracker from Sleytus? I get along with it very well and in case of doubt I can find the strategy in the code.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

rantampla wrote:

why do not you use MT4 tracker from Sleytus? I get along with it very well and in case of doubt I can find the strategy in the code.

I do have MT4 Tracker and use it regularly however where I find the limitations is. I generate a portfolio some strategies make money others do not. Why is that? I’m using the exact same settings to generate all strategies, so the purpose of being able to reload into EA Studio is to narrow down and carry out robustness testing and find what the profitable strategies shows s the unprofitable do not show when being more strict on Monte Carlo WFA etc etc.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

ok, i search new strategies and kill the old bad strategies smile

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

I understand the infinite number of generated strategies but this is solely for the purpose of uploading a portfolio to review and just have some organised way to view the strategies based on there already assigned 3 digit magic number from when the portfolio was first exported.

I posted several times already that I'll make sometimes better Portfolio Editor. However, this is not an urgent problem. It is also a functionality that deviates from the idea of EA Studio. Think for example for Photoshop and for Google drive. The one helps you to generate images and the other to store them. Photoshop has no features of storing renaming or identifying images. This is also not a problem with EA Studio. Even the Portfolio Expert suits better for another separate application.

EA Studio must provide the best strategy generator, robustness testing and backtest analysis. The Portfolio Expert is a side effect of the possibility to generate and combine strategies.  A third party application can do that perfectly. If one wants to develop such application I'll help with ideas.

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

Dear Popov,

Would it be possible to include the Strategy ID as the first part of the automatically generated Magic number, so that it would at least be easier to track which EA is which strategy,  eg ID 872.1 would become 8721XXXXXX? 


11 (edited by hannahis 2020-09-24 11:14:17)

Re: Use Magic Number instead of Strategy ID

Popov wrote:

I understand the infinite number of generated strategies but this is solely for the purpose of uploading a portfolio to review and just have some organised way to view the strategies based on there already assigned 3 digit magic number from when the portfolio was first exported.

I posted several times already that I'll make sometimes better Portfolio Editor. However, this is not an urgent problem. It is also a functionality that deviates from the idea of EA Studio. Think for example for Photoshop and for Google drive. The one helps you to generate images and the other to store them. Photoshop has no features of storing renaming or identifying images. This is also not a problem with EA Studio. Even the Portfolio Expert suits better for another separate application.

EA Studio must provide the best strategy generator, robustness testing and backtest analysis. The Portfolio Expert is a side effect of the possibility to generate and combine strategies.  A third party application can do that perfectly. If one wants to develop such application I'll help with ideas.

Maybe for a little step forward, allow users to re-import strategies from Portfolio via validator, even if the strategies are not profitable.  Currently the validator automatically eliminates strategies that are unprofitable (which is weird because I used the same data to generate profitable strategies but when I re-import back using the same data the validator somehow calculates (using the same generated data) the strategies as unprofitable, which make it very frustrating for me because I want to re-use these strategies as preset.  Kindly remove any automatic embeded criteria that the strategies need to be profitable in order to be ascended to the collection.  I'll be very much appreciated if this can be done.

This would also provide the solution for people who wants to re-import unprofitable strategies back to re-examine them to see why some strategies fail and why some strategies succeeded.  Though it can be re-imported back 1 strategy at a time in order to track which strategy you are examining, though some wished to re-import the Portfolio back with it's magic number intack but given some creativity and flexibility, we can still try to re-import individual unprofitable strategies back by one by one via "Import an Expert Advisor back" function. 

But as for me, I need the validator to re-import back hundreds of my old profitable Strategies (using various data sources) back via validator so that I re-compile them as 1 Portfolio Expert.  And because i'm using various data sources in the past to generate these strategies, the Validator deem some of these strategies as unprofitable using the current/selected data source. 

If EA studio Validator allows us to ascend unprofitable strategies to the collection, then If anyone wants to view why strategies fail, go to the Meta Editor and delete all the profitable EA's magic number (starting in line 635 somewhere there, if I remembered correctly) and leave those unprofitable EA magic behind and re-import back, then they can view the whole list of unprofitable strategies and examine them why they fail and compare with those that succeed.