Topic: Error in close on Friday?

Hello Miroslav,
i have generate strategies with close every day 19 hour. it works fine.

Now i have all reset and generate with close on friday 19 hour, not every day. but all strategies close every day.

Can you check for errors please?

Thanks, Marcus.

Re: Error in close on Friday?

I checked it and it works fine.

Please note that the Trading Session settings set when the position must close beside the exit rules. However, your strategy may have trading rules that close every day. The trading session doesn't prevent the regular exit rules to close a position.

I specially created a strategy that doesn't use exit rules ( "Do not Exit: indicator ).

3 (edited by rantampla 2019-05-26 18:38:28)

Re: Error in close on Friday?

ok, thank you, but it not work by me.

look please in pictures.

maybe why i use m1?

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Re: Error in close on Friday?

Picture 2

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5 (edited by rantampla 2019-05-26 18:40:43)

Re: Error in close on Friday?

Picture 3

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Re: Error in close on Friday?

Picture 4 (Last Picture) Sorry for 4 posts, but only 1 picture i can attach in one post

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Re: Error in close on Friday?

Your strategy uses SL and TP, which can be activated at any time.

The Trading Session Close is one additional exit condition. It works together with the strategy exit rules, but do not prevent them to close a position.

If you wont to close only at Friday close, remove the SL and TP.


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8 (edited by rantampla 2019-05-27 09:05:48)

Re: Error in close on Friday?

Thanks for the Info with preview.

unfortunately the problem still exists. I have now removed sl and tp and there is no change.

I have new Pictures make.

Re: Error in close on Friday?

You may be right. I'll check it.

Thank you for the report!

Re: Error in close on Friday?

Popov wrote:

You may be right. I'll check it.

Thank you for the report!

Thank you smile

Re: Error in close on Friday?

Hello Marcus,

I upload a new version of EA Studio and the MQL codes of the experts.

The Trading Session must work fine now.

Please test it for EA Studio and for the exported Expert Advisors.

Re: Error in close on Friday?

Popov wrote:

Hello Marcus,

I upload a new version of EA Studio and the MQL codes of the experts.

The Trading Session must work fine now.

Please test it for EA Studio and for the exported Expert Advisors.

Thank you so much for it smile