1 (edited by geektrader 2019-01-19 21:59:54)

Topic: Speed-up EA Studio code? (https://prepack.io/)

Hi Popov,

in case you don´t know this Javascript-Optimizer, give it a try here:


I was able to speed-up several of my Javascript-apps by > 100% with it. All you need to do is to paste your code there and let it process it. Just take note that if the code is really large, you´ll have to run it locally (get it from Github) as they have a timeout of 1000ms for the processing.

It´s an amazing tool and I am sure it can speed-up EA Studio by a good degree too. Let me know how it did go...

Cheers :-)

Re: Speed-up EA Studio code? (https://prepack.io/)

Interesting idea. Thank you for sharing!

I'll test it, however I don't expect any optimization because it looks this app fixes the "modern' programming style. On the other hand I program very conservatively. From what I see on their presentation the EA Studio core doesn't use any of the cases they optimize.

Re: Speed-up EA Studio code? (https://prepack.io/)

Give it a try, I also thought it won´t make a difference for mine, but it did by 100%, haha :-) Also, you can just keep on coding your conservative way. Just, before uploading a new version to the site, run it through Prepack and then upload it. This way you can keep your code "as is" and only use Prepack right before uploading each time.