Topic: "Numeric Values Range" in Optimizer not working correctly

I´ve set "Numeric Values Range" in the Optimizer to +-40, yet, for some parameters, it does not adjust the range correctly, it´s truncated to the upper side:

Re: "Numeric Values Range" in Optimizer not working correctly

The Stochastic max period is 30. The Optimizer keeps the parameters ranges.

Re: "Numeric Values Range" in Optimizer not working correctly

Why would Stochastic have a max period of only 30? Doesn´t make much sense as I have many strategies with higher values that work well.

Re: "Numeric Values Range" in Optimizer not working correctly

The simple answer is - to make the Generator faster, taking into account that the default values.

However, now the Generator has an advanced way to generate params and I may increase the values to 200 (as all other  periods). I'll add it to my ToDo.



I increased the values. I'll notify for the EA Studio update.

5 (edited by geektrader 2019-01-05 21:03:12)

Re: "Numeric Values Range" in Optimizer not working correctly

Yes, I understand that it´s OK for the generator, but the optimizer should not be limited like that. So you could limit the generator from 1 to 30 for the period, but if a +-40 is selected in the Optimizer afterward, it should optimize from 1 to 70. I think 200 as a limit for the periods would be good indeed. Great to hear you´ve updated it, will check it out! EA Studio is getting better and better quickly in 2019 :-) Thanks!

Can you possibly remove the 200.000 bar limit as well right away? I would like to work with my whole history data :-)