Hi, I will add my grain of salt. Hope it's useful.
I'm currently running 20 simultaneous instances of EAS. I have a dual-processor Xeon Workstation and decided to use no more than 20 because that keeps the cpu usage around 75%. Didn't want to stress the machine beyond that.
What I do is open the 20 Chrome windows and then rename them with numbers using a nice Chrome app called 'Simple Tab Renamer' (very recommendable).
Then I input the settings for every window (normally the same ones for all) and let them run.
After having the EAS instances ready, I right click the Windows task bar and choose 'Show windows stacked' or 'Show windows side by side'. That creates a nice arrangement that keeps them active. I have an ultra-wide 34 inches monitor, that has enough real state for that. For smaller screens maybe 20 instances is probably too many, but that can be solved with the virtual desktop mentioned before.
Once they are arranged, I click EAS menu on each window and scroll down a little bit, so I can see how many strategies have been added to each collection.
Just a note. If you want windows to arrange numerically your windows, you have to click each window in reverse order before arranging them. You can repeat it anytime in case they are not correctly arranged.
This method has helped me to increase a lot the strategies generation rate.
Hope it helps.
Best regards,
PS: I'm attaching a screenshot of my setup for you to see what I mean.
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