Topic: How can i solve this

I have 5 strategies in an expert portfolio. I have modificated it so that i can change Indicator parameters with an input fiel at expert options.

Now i want to add something that i can deactivate strategies in the settings. for example strategy 1 true than it is working in the portfolio. When it is false than disabled that one strategy. I think it will only be a if else combination. but i tried and its not working. can someone help me with the code

Re: How can i solve this

I have change EA Portfolio file with input parameters. No i want to enable/disable each Strategy.

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3 (edited by deadlef 2018-03-11 10:23:27)

Re: How can i solve this

Now i think i have to put an if statement into signal getentrysignal_00()

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Re: How can i solve this

nobody have an idea how to disable/enable strategies in ea portfolio with an true/false parameter ?

Re: How can i solve this

It is easy.

Step one - add switches in the Input form of the expert for each strategy:

static input bool Enable_Strategy_0 = true;
static input bool Enable_Strategy_1 = true;
static input bool Enable_Strategy_2 = true;
static input bool Enable_Strategy_3 = true;

Step two - make the EA check if the entry for a strategy is allowed:

Re: How can i solve this

thanks a lot thats what i want.. another question do you know if it is possible to hide strategy parameters first. and when i put true than the input parameters will be show?

Re: How can i solve this

No, you cannot do that because the actual code execution starts when you set the settings. So it is not possible to control which options are visible by a setting.