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Forex Software → Help and Support → Strange error. The program hangs.

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Topic: Strange error. The program hangs.

I apologize in advance for my English. I've been programming for a year, but this is the first time with me. Having reduced the error search area to 2 lines, I can not find it. Here is the code.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class Candles : Robot
        [Parameter("Depth of analise in hour", DefaultValue = 720)]
        public int depthInHour { get; set; }
        public static int historyLength = 30000;
        public struct history
            public double result;
            public double price;
            public int direction;
            public DateTime date;
        public struct streem
            public int minNum, maxNum, countPlus, countMinus;
            public history[] historyDatas
                get { return new history[historyLength]; }
        public struct datas
            public double balance, dropdown, dropdownNew, max, maxDropdown, maxDropdownNew;
            public DateTime DateDropdown, DateDropdownNew;
            public int transactions;
            public streem transactionHistory;

        public int minCandleCount = 4, maxCandleCount = 12, stepCandleCount = 1;
        public int minCandleInOption = 1, maxCandleInOption = 4, stepCandleInOption = 1;
        public double minReliability = 2.5, maxReliability = 4, stepReliability = 0.5;
        public double minVolatility = 0.0001, maxVolatility = 0.0004, stepVolatility = 0.0001;
        public int countCandleCount, countCandleInOption, countReliability, countVolatility;
        public int curCandleCount, arrCandleCount, curCandleInOption, arrCandleInOption, arrReliability, arrVolatility;
        public double curVolatility, curReliability;

        public datas[,,,] arr;
        public double price;
        public DateTime TransTime;
        public struct parameters
            public int CandleCount;
            public int CandleInOption;
            public double Reliability;
            public double Volatility;
        public parameters bestParameters;
        public double bestResult;
        public DateTime depth;
        public int direction = 0;
        protected override void OnStart()
            Int64 t = new TimeSpan(depthInHour, 0, 0).Ticks;
            depth = new DateTime(t);

            countCandleCount = 9;
            countCandleInOption = 4;
            countReliability = 4;
            countVolatility = 4;

            arr = new datas[countCandleCount, countCandleInOption, countReliability, countVolatility];
            int k = 100;
            for (curCandleCount = minCandleCount,arrCandleCount = 0; curCandleCount <= maxCandleCount; curCandleCount += stepCandleCount,arrCandleCount++)
                Print("1 ", curCandleCount);
                for (curCandleInOption = minCandleInOption,arrCandleInOption = 0; curCandleInOption <= maxCandleInOption; curCandleInOption += stepCandleInOption,arrCandleInOption++)
                    Print("2 ", curCandleInOption);
                    for (curReliability = minReliability,arrReliability = 0; curReliability <= maxReliability; curReliability += stepReliability,arrReliability++)
                        Print("3 ", curReliability);
                        for (curVolatility = minVolatility,arrVolatility = 0; curVolatility <= maxVolatility; curVolatility += stepVolatility,arrVolatility++)
                            Print("4 ", curVolatility);
                            int i = MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count - k;
                            DateTime dt = MarketSeries.OpenTime[i];
                            while (dt.AddMinutes(30).Ticks < DateTime.Now.Ticks)
                                Print(dt, " ", dt.AddMinutes(30).Ticks, " ", DateTime.Now.Ticks, " ", i, " ", MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count);
                                dt = MarketSeries.OpenTime[++i];
            Print("The end");
        protected override void OnTick()

        protected override void OnStop()

            // Put your deinitialization logic here
        protected int Frame()
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
                return 15;
            else if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5)
                return 5;
            else if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute4)
                return 4;
            else if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute3)
                return 3;
            else if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute2)
                return 2;
            else if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5)
                return 1;
                return 0;

After passing the first nested loop of the 4th level, the program hangs. I can not understand what's the matter. Help me please.

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