Topic: FSB v2.8.0.0 is published. January 19 2008

Forex Strategy Builder v2.8.0.0 is published.

Change log since the latest stable version:

    * The program works with Forex, Indexes and CFD data;
    * New indicators added: Aroon, Ease of Movement, Balance of Power, Detrended Oscillator, Fisher Transform, Percent Change;
    * The program's interface is translatable. Current translations: Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian...
    * Main Menu - several fixes, icons added;
    * Strategy Overview - several fixes;
    * New tools added - Profit Calculator, Pivot Points Calculator, Fibonacci Levels Calculator, Command Console
    * Buttons for showing the journal tables - added on the main screen;
    * Icons on the menu items;
    * Several bugs are fixed.

Please send us your opinion!

Anyone can edit or translate the program. There are several language tools integrated.

Re: FSB v2.8.0.0 is published. January 19 2008

How many languages has this been translated into?? Is there an arabic version??

Re: FSB v2.8.0.0 is published. January 19 2008

There is an automatic translation to Arabic from Google translate.