Topic: Error Message after importing symbol and data from MT4

i get the following error message after importing instruments and scripts provided in the forum. it says data you are using old history data update from history centre..however, i had downloaded data only a few minutes back...further, am not sure if the data downloaded is the one in the MT4 folder or fxsb demo data..

Further am not getting any strategies for s and p 500 and crude.. i would like to know if there is an issue in the way i have set up the instruments

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Re: Error Message after importing symbol and data from MT4

The "Old history data" warning make sense here because the data are updated at  2016-03-25.

Please try to save data directly from the MT Chart with Ctrl+S. Do that for all periods. Then copy the files to the corresponding Data Source folder.

Re: Error Message after importing symbol and data from MT4

The Generator assumes that a possible reason for not finding strategies is too strict Acceptance Criteria. You can easily test that by switching the Acceptance Criteria off from the  3. Generator Settings panel. If it starts generating strategies, yo may check what are your criteria.

Re: Error Message after importing symbol and data from MT4

gs.sudharshan if you continue to have problems with EA Studio strategy Generator please upload your Data File for EA studio and we will try to generate a strategy on our side.

Re: Error Message after importing symbol and data from MT4

Many thanks ! will follow the steps and get back.