I tested this link: http://www.crowestudios.com/transfers/c … istory.htm It leads to: InterbankFX Currency Pair Data Downlaods
There are AUDUSD and EURGBP data there (from 1Minute to 1Month period). The files are in CSV format. To download the file I used right-click and Save Link As… (Firefox).
The file name I chose EURGBPm1440.csv. First I renamed the file to EURGBP1440.csv.
The file format was as follow:
The file format looks acceptable to Forex Strategy Builder.
Next I added EURGBP symbol to Forex Strategy Builder by using Menu Market -> Edit Instruments dialog:

1. Instrument symbol – in this case EURGBP;
2. Type of the instrument: Forex;
3. Confirming by pressing “Add” button;
4. I left this field as it was: 4 digits;
5. Lot size – it depends on your account;
6. Spread – it depends on the broker but 4 is OK for now.
7. Swap long and Swap short 1 and -1 are OK;
8. Account Exchange Rate – it has to be set here. My account is in USD, but the trading result for this couple is in GBP. I set 0.86 here. Forex Strategy Builder will convert GBP to USD using this rate.
9. “Accept” button confirms the changes.
It should be OK now. I select EURGBP but I received this error message:

Data defective till bar 2577!
So I opened the data file in my favorite text editor Notepad++:
The error comes from the fact that Price Open = Price Close. This can lead to errors in calculation of some technical indicators, so I cut the data till bar 2577.
Now everything is OK.

If you don’t want to modify the data file, you can select the option “Cut Off Bad Data” from the Market Menu. If you do so Forex Strategy builder will load the correct data only. Another option is to use “Data Horizon” to remove older (defective) data.