Topic: Two mutually exclusive conditions in a strategy...


I have a strategy with two - seemingly contradictory - opening conditions (Previous Bar Opening - see attached) - yet it works... Can somebody please tell me why?

Re: Two mutually exclusive conditions in a strategy...

Perhaps  attach the strategy.

Re: Two mutually exclusive conditions in a strategy...

Sorry, my bad. Here it is.

Post's attachments

double Prev Day Opening.xml 14.76 kb, 2 downloads since 2017-08-20 

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Re: Two mutually exclusive conditions in a strategy...

Those are not mutually exclusive conditions, your opening point is at bar close! Then you check if bar open is below previous bar opening and finally if position is above previous bar opening. A question to you - at what point the last condition gets checked? I'll answer it for you - at bar close (because of your selected opening point). Hence, if bar close is above previous bar opening, condition is fulfilled. Bar can open below previous bar opening and it can close above previous bar opening and vice versa, nothing exclusive in it, all perfectly logical smile

Re: Two mutually exclusive conditions in a strategy...

Yes - thank you!