Topic: Trading Session

Hello Traders,

There is a new feature added in EA Studio - Trading Session.

You can find it in the Tools -> Settings page

These settings are very useful for trading with brokers that suspend the execution around midnight.

You see session time from 00:05 to 23:55 in the example above. It means that Expert Advisor Studio will open and close positions only if the corresponding bar opens between the specified time.

Only the Stop Loss and the Take Profit will be executed outside of the specified interval.

The Trading Session time is included in the exported Expert Advisors and considered during the trading.

Please note that these settings are global for the applications and reflect on all strategies.

It means that if you change the hours the backtester will recalculate the strategy and will show different stats no matter the strategy is the same.

Please use this option carefully. Sett it once according to your preferences and do not change it for every strategy.

Despite the fact the Trading Session info is included in the experts, it is not imported back when you import an expert in EA Studio. It means that if you export an expert advisor with one Trading Session settings, then change the settings and import the expert back, it will be recalculated by using the latest settings. It means that the expert will show different stats.

Please experiment with the Trading Session settings carefully. They have impact on all strategies.

Close at the end of the session and Close at Friday Close close the positions at the last Bar Open before the end of the session.

For example, if you set 22:00 and you trade on M15 chart, the positions will be closed at 21:45. They cannot be closed at 22:00 because the first tick of the candles always comes after the round minute. That means it is not possible to have a tick at exactly 22:00 min and 000 milliseconds, therefore it is not possible to close a position at the exact time you set. A reliable solution is to close at the previous Bar Open.

Please test this feature carefully and report all issues.

Trade Safe!

Re: Trading Session

good job, I use the program for various markets and I was really missing it

well done! thanks!!!

Re: Trading Session

Fantastic, thank you very much! The facility to close all trades automatically before weekends is extremely useful.

Re: Trading Session

Have anyone test this?

When i make close at friday close

it not work in strategies, when i check the journal, the trades are open over friday by me...

5 (edited by rantampla 2017-08-06 15:27:05)

Re: Trading Session

here the screens

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Re: Trading Session

and here

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Re: Trading Session

rantampla wrote:

Have anyone test this?

When i make close at friday close

it not work in strategies, when i check the journal, the trades are open over friday by me...

Hi rantampla

I've been creating strategies today using the new Friday close option and looking at the journals, they do close on Friday nights.

Hmmm, I'll have a think. Are you using broker data, or the default EA Studio data?

Re: Trading Session

alwayslearning wrote:
rantampla wrote:

Have anyone test this?

When i make close at friday close

it not work in strategies, when i check the journal, the trades are open over friday by me...

Hi rantampla

I've been creating strategies today using the new Friday close option and looking at the journals, they do close on Friday nights.

Hmmm, I'll have a think. Are you using broker data, or the default EA Studio data?

Hi Alwayslearning.

I have the first time now use the EA Studio Datas. Before i have always use own Broker Datas.

But i dont think that is from Datas?!?

Re: Trading Session

This function needs a thorough testing. Fortunately the MQL interpretation is simple and if you see any problems or you think it can be improved, please post your findings here.

There was report that it doesn't work well in MT5. There is no reason for that so the misbehavior might be a result of a bug. If you notice something please report.

Re: Trading Session

Popov wrote:

This function needs a thorough testing. Fortunately the MQL interpretation is simple and if you see any problems or you think it can be improved, please post your findings here.

There was report that it doesn't work well in MT5. There is no reason for that so the misbehavior might be a result of a bug. If you notice something please report.

I have only in EA Studio check now, and on my screens in this postings more up you can see, that friday close not work.

It is on MT4 working? only EA Studio not?

Re: Trading Session

A small improvement uploaded.

Now the session time is shown as comment in the MQL code.

Re: Trading Session

On closer inspection of the backtest journal, I noticed one or two 'rogue' trades that started at 00:00 on Saturdays, after the Friday night close option had correctly closed the previous trade. Would a 'do not trade on Saturday' option be something that could provide an easy fix?

It's not a huge problem for me, as it does seem to be occasional isolated trades and it's within my tolerance. It may be a peculiarity to do with the fact that my broker server is +2 hours from my local time, therefore 00:00 (Friday midnight into Saturday) on my broker data is actually 22:00 Friday local for me.

I set my Friday close in EA Studio at 21:00.

Re: Trading Session

I apologize if this is a newbie question...

I use several different accounts and often times the same EAs are running in more than one account.  The trading pattern in the different accounts is similar, but the time stamps are different.  Does this feature work when you have multiple accounts and brokers are using different time stamps?  Also, how do I know what times to use?  For the Trading Session times, don't I need to take into account time zones?

Re: Trading Session

The Trading Session times are global for the app and for all experts. The settings work for all time zones because they take the time from the bars. I normally look at the time in the MetaTrader's Market Watch to be sure what is the broker's time.

If you find that you need different session times for your different accounts, you can save and load the corresponding settings when you create experts for them.

Re: Trading Session

Again -- Popov, thank you very much.

16 (edited by heroking82 2017-08-10 00:30:51)

Re: Trading Session

dumb question:

im having trouble connecting to the server and getting eas started in demo accounts

if i set a time period...

doi have to wait till the next day to see trades execute or should they execute on next candle providing the time range is true?

Re: Trading Session

Hi Popov, I was running two portfolios in MT4 (different MT4 installations, one running EURUSD the other USDJPY).

All positions were closed by the EAs at a server time of exactly 00:01:01 Friday morning 11th Aug, which wasn't expected and I think a problem with the Trading Session. I select:

Sunday: 00:00-24:00
Monday - Thursday: 00:00-24:00
Friday: 00:00-21:00
Do not trade on Sunday
Close at Friday Close

Please note that I built the EAs on Sunday 6th Aug and I think you've amended the Trading Session code since then - but could you advise please?

Anyone else had any issues with positions closing around midnight Thursday into Friday?


PS A minor additional issue is that the Trading Session parameters don't save on Export Settings and have to be manually re-entered every time EA Studio is started.

Re: Trading Session

alwayslearning wrote:

Hi Popov, I was running two portfolios in MT4 (different MT4 installations, one running EURUSD the other USDJPY).

All positions were closed by the EAs at a server time of exactly 00:01:01 Friday morning 11th Aug, which wasn't expected and I think a problem with the Trading Session. I select:

Sunday: 00:00-24:00
Monday - Thursday: 00:00-24:00
Friday: 00:00-21:00
Do not trade on Sunday
Close at Friday Close

Please note that I built the EAs on Sunday 6th Aug and I think you've amended the Trading Session code since then - but could you advise please?

Anyone else had any issues with positions closing around midnight Thursday into Friday?


PS A minor additional issue is that the Trading Session parameters don't save on Export Settings and have to be manually re-entered every time EA Studio is started.

I have the same Problem, but by me was the close 08:15 hour Broker time.

Re: Trading Session

I'll check that now.

Thank you for the report!

Re: Trading Session

I think I fix the bug. The new experts code files are uploaded.

You have to reload EA Studio in your browser and to re-export you EAs to have the correct code.

Please report all issues in order to fix the problems as fast as possible.

Trade Safe!

Re: Trading Session

Thanks for looking into it promptly Popov.

I'll rebuild the EAs over the weekend and run them next week as normal. I guess it'll be Thursday midnight before we can see if the problem re-occurs, but I'll report anything unusual in the meantime. I also want to check that all trades close at 21:00 server time on Friday night.

Thanks again!

Re: Trading Session

We uploaded a new version of the EA codes. It fixes an issue where the EA doesn't close the positions at the end of the trading session.

If you think this update may reflect on your strategies, please reload EA Studio and export your experts again.

Re: Trading Session

Hi Miroslav, my portfolio strategies have been running all week and I confirm that all trades closed at 21:00 as per my settings.

This is using your code from last weekend, not the latest one you refer to above (I'll be using that next week).


Re: Trading Session

Hi all,
I've tried to create strategies closing at the end of the session or at the end of the week, but I wasn't able to do it. When I review a strategy in EA Studio and go to report and have a look at the closing operations, they don't close on friday night (or at the end of the session). I attach a capture showing positions not closing on friday night.  Is this feature working for you?  Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards.

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Re: Trading Session

rjectweb wrote:

Hi all,
I've tried to create strategies closing at the end of the session or at the end of the week, but I wasn't able to do it. When I review a strategy in EA Studio and go to report and have a look at the closing operations, they don't close on friday night (or at the end of the session). I attach a capture showing positions not closing on friday night.  Is this feature working for you?  Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards.

was by me the same, but in live Trading it have worked smile