Topic: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Hello Traders,

As per you requests, the EA Studio collection now prunes the excessive  strategies according to the sorting method set in the Collection page.

Now you can set some sorting method in the Collection, for example "Return to drawdown" and run the Generator with loose Acceptance Criteria.

Trade safe!

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Excellent -- thank you, Popov!

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

This is a really good news, thanks Popov

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Perhaps it's my installation -- but EA Studio is no longer able to Download or Upload a collection.  The ability to prune based on another metric works great -- I had generated some amazing results -- but lost them all because I couldn't download them.  I tried running EA Studio from different machines and browsers -- same thing.  I can no longer save Collections.

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Make a refresh - Ctrl+F5

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Nope -- still doesn't work.  I've shutdown / relaunched browsers and tried from different machines.  Can't download a collection.  The problem first started immediately after I started using the updated version.  I'm usually in the habit of saving Collections after every few hours -- but I haven't been able to save after the update.

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Use a cleaner such as ccleaner or reset your browser setting to default.

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Nope -- doesn't work.

Even though I am logged in, I can neither Download or Export.  However, I can Upload.

This is a VPS machine and I'm currently trying to reboot it -- but it ignores the Dashboard commands to reboot.  Perhaps the server is in what we technically call "a funny state".

9 (edited by yonkuro 2017-06-02 23:04:25)

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Just realized that I also can't download the collection (I'm using a laptop), and when I open EA studio on another browser (Firefox), I can't reach the login page.

And I also can't export a strategy to Metatrader

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Thanks yonkuro.

Interesting -- at least we now know it's not isolated to just my machines.

I eventually got my VPS server to reboot -- but after logging into EA Studio I still can't Download or Export.

I wonder whether it has something to do with the EA Studio server...

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

If EA Studio is currently running then you are using the older version.  To update to the new version (in order to reproduce the problem) you'll need to logout and close the current tab, exit your browser, relaunch your browser, and then relaunch EA Studio by navigating to and logging in again.  Depending on the browser you are using, you may also need to clear its history and cache -- otherwise it will keep using the previous version that it had downloaded.

Perhaps Popov could add a version number so it would be easier to determine which version of EA Studio is currently running.

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion


Thank you for the report!

I re-compiled the code of EA Studio. It must work now.

Surprisingly, part of the EA Studio code was not included in the previous compilation ??!!? It must be a bug in my development environment.

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Thanks Popov and sleytus, it works now

Re: Collection Updated - Sorting used for pruning criterion

Yes -- I can also confirm that it is working.  Thank you, Popov.

Also, the results I'm seeing are really interesting.  I'm pruning based on SQN and EA Studio is generating strategies with excellent statistics.  Perhaps it's not surprising that strategies with excellent statistics have lower Net Balances.  I've noticed that many strategies with higher Net Balances achieved those not with consistent gains but, rather, a few big wins over the backtesting period.

Popov -- with regards to development environments -- I've built quite a few.  I don't mean to sound like a "know-it-all", your software is among the finest I have ever used.  Besides source code control, the most important step in a build script was making sure the initial "clean" really removed all the stale intermediate components.  I've been bitten by this many times.  When the build completes you think the build worked because the final product is there.  However, the build for one of the components could be broken but we didn't notice it because the build script used a previously built component that remained from an older build and which masked the compilation or link error.  And depending on the number of components this can be really hard to track down.  Anyways -- I know setting up a build environment has its own challenges.

Thanks again for fixing this so quickly.