Topic: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

I currently have three instances of Reactor running on the same data and there are some nice results on each.

Once I export those results. I will have three EA's with strategies.

Can I do 'copy paste' to combine the strategies? Is there anything special to be done?

Would that affect any part of the EA?

And the last question is.... 'Is there actually a limit as to the number oF strategies that the EA can contain? I may have 150 total.

Thank you

Re: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

Yes, of course you can add manually strategies to the Portfolio Expert. It must work.

Of course, this is not how it should be, but I hope to make the tool much better with the time.

I'll try to make some quick fixes now to make easier for manual editing.

Re: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

I have not tried yet to combine outputs as I need some history on different Ea's before I will know which ones I will want to combine. I will want to remove some poor performers.

One problem might be the numbering of the individual strategies when combining....., I will have to be careful doing that.

Re: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

On the exported EA, beneath the list of strategies is a number

maxDataBars = 72;

That number varies.....

So...... when I change the contents of the strategies, I will have to change that number.

How will I know what tp change it to.........?


Re: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

There is not a solution to that so far. You can set 103 and try. Normally the EA Studio Generator doesn't generate strategies that require more than 100 bars, but this is not guaranteed.

Re: Combine output from multiple Reactor instances.

I do see 92, none more than that so far.........

That gives me a solution for now..

Thank you.