Topic: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

Hi everyone

Does anyone know if its possible to import stock or bond history into FSB?
I really like testing strategies on FSB so I was thinking if I can use it on stocks and bonds as well. Of course using volume is not possible.  Maybe its easier to use a program like

If it is would I code the history so its readable in FSB?

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Data format is the same - csv file.

You can find a bit of info here also.

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

Thank you footon

I have one more question for you if you have the time smile

What would the code look like if I put it in .csv file for instance if the date was  today 14.3.2017 opening price was 20.1, lowest would be 19.2  highest would be 20.4 and closing price 19.6?

Would it be 2017-03-14 00.00 20.1 19.2 20.4 19.6?

I suck in excel and programming so I just want to know what it should look before I pay someone to do this for me smile

Regards, Valdimar

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

No problems, Valdimar.

I forgot to post you this link -

Regarding your question, yes, you have the sequence correct. One point though, values have to be separated by comma or tab. Semicolon is fine, too, I guess.

Can I ask where are you going to fetch the data?

It is not exactly a rocket science, most probably you have to make small corrections and you're sorted. Therefore, when you have obtained the data, post the first 2 lines of it here and I'll talk you through it.

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

I will get the data from a datasource on excel form.

Here is an example of the data.
It shows the daily close..then the highest within the day..then the lowest.

2.1.2014    18,75    18,95    18,3
3.1.2014    19    19,3    18,95
6.1.2014    19,15    19,15    19
7.1.2014    19,2    19,55    19,15

Thank you again for your help smile

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

This is how I did.

Firstly, it will be necessary to have open prices also.

How I approached it:
I took your data and pasted it into spreadsheet.

Then I set up the date and time columns, improvised open prices (by taking last closes, but it didn't work out reasonably well because those are lower than actual lows), then highs, lows, closes, volume (1 for all).

Then I copied it to notepad and saved as csv.

Then I added a symbol to FSB.

And then opened it in FSB to check it.

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

I saw somewhere on the net a set of instructions for getting data into MT4,

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

Thank you footon

This is brilliant. Just what I needed.
You made my life much simpler smile

Re: Importing stock or bond history-is it possible?

Glad to hear! smile