Topic: Diary error EA

EA gives me an error, and he does it every 2 seconds.
What should I do to fix the operation?
thank you

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Re: Diary error EA

How many bars do you have on chart?

Re: Diary error EA

from April 22, 2012

usually reports a lack of candles with the failure of the EA activation

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Schermata 2016-11-08 alle 08.17.47.png 303.3 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Diary error EA

I would put it on a lower TF chart with more candles and see if it works.

Re: Diary error EA

This error shows that the Moving Average requires more bars than the expert loads.

Here is the actual check:

period > bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > bars

Please attach the expert for further examination.