Topic: Ea Error uninit reason 8

Get an error message when I Ea Download the

mt4 uninit reason 8

What could be the problem?

Thanks Pit

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Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

The file

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Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

Hello Pit,

Can you please attach the exported expert advisor?

I tested the strategy, but it exports and run correctly on my MetaTrader.

4 (edited by Pit 2016-10-02 06:27:05)

Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

Again Exports the same error also funny in another Mt4
Thanks for the help of the great masters (Popov)
Lg Pit

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Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

None have an idea where the problem might be?

Thanks Pit

Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

Hello Pit,

This is a known bug with the required bars number for some indicators.
I already have a fix and will include it in the next FSB Pro update.

I manually fixed the required bars in your strategy and it must work now.

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Re: Ea Error uninit reason 8

Hi Popov

Thanks is doing great
Bin on the update already excited.

Lg Pit