Topic: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Hi Popov, or anyone else that might be able to help,

I'm going though the FSB pro video tutorials, and following along, setting up FSB with mT4 etc, and have come to a stumbling block in Part 6 - Importing Historical Data From MetaTrader | Create & Trade Expert Advisors.

In MT4, I have loaded 100,000 bars of data in the M1 chart, and loaded as much data into all the higher TFs up to W1, and am now trying to save the data.

I go to "File" > " Save as" and get this screen:

The "File Name" isn't prepopulated with .csv as you can see...

Next, I go to FSB and go to "Data Sources" > "Open Data Directory" ... making sure my "FXCM Demo" profile is selected, and copy the file path (image below):

I then paste the file path into the MT4 "Save as" window, and click "Save".

But nothing gets saved into my FXCM Demo Data Directory... What am I doing wrong?

Is it because it a demo account? And it's a Sunday?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!


Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

It is easier to set the FSB Pro Data Source folder to be the MT Files folder.
You do it in Control Panel -> Data Source (and select the correct data source)

In that way you will not need moving files. Also it is very easy when you use the data export scripts (attached in the Premium Club)


You can also take all the files and place them in your FSB Data source data folder.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory


I use the FSBPro data for my preliminary work. because it is up to date and is a 'one click' update.

Once I have a strategy that I feel to be worthwhile, then I work with broker data.

To me, it seems to take a lot of time to be continually updating the MT4 data, I prefer to be working with strategies.

When I do want fresh data I use the scripts.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Thanks for the quick reply on a Sunday Popov.

So, "Data Sources" > Select FSB Demo data in Available Data Sources?

Also, there is only 8192 records (bars) to be seen for the USDCHF M1 chart in the History centre folder in MT4, even though I set Max bars in history to 100,000,000 , and Max bars in chart to 1,000,000... is this because it's a demo account?

Thanks, Simon.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Hi Blaiserboy,

That sounds like good advice, thanks.

At this point, I have no knowledge of scripts! I'm hoping I'll pick up some knowledge on that after I've watched all the videos!

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Still having trouble here...

I've deleted all the data from the FSB Demo data Directory, and tried saving MT4 USDCHF M1 data to it, and it won't show up in the folder.

The sequence I'm doing it in is:

1) "file" > "save as" in MT4

2) open FSB Demo data Data Directory and copy it's file path

3) Paste file path into MT4 "save as" window

4) click "save"

That should be it right?



Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Thanks for the quick reply on a Sunday

Sunday?! I'm programming from 12 hours and I think to work at minimum 5 hours more today.

Also, there is only 8192 records (bars) to be seen for the USDCHF M1 chart in the History centre folder in MT4, even though I set Max bars in history to 100,000,000 , and Max bars in chart to 1,000,000... is this because it's a demo account?

Demo or Real do not make a difference. The number of data depends on how the broker collects and stores data for the particular server. Some times small brokers has better data history than the biggest ones. A have bad experience with a big broker with many broken bars on a real account server.

Less than 9k bars for M1 time frame is not good. We work with minimum 20k bars for the shorter time frames. THe FSB Demo Data services provides up to 100k bars. However, at the and of the day you have to test your expert with your real account data, so choose a broker wisely.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Crikey Popov, I hope you're sitting next to a coffee machine?!?

Thanks for the Script solution, I downloaded it from your post here:

I got it into the Scripts folder in MT4, and have "executed it to chart". Seems like you need to perform this task every time you look at a different chart?

I'm seeing in the top left corner of the chart that it has exported varying numbers of bars respective to each time frame.

Any idea where they've gone to?



Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

None of the pairs/symbols (USDCHF, EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD) are showing more than 10,351 bars (only 2,048 for GBPUSD!), I guess I need a different broker?!

Can you give me some pointers for which broker?

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Hi again,

My evaluation version of FSB will now not allow me to open Data Directory for FSB Demo Data, and also when I try to download the FSB Demo Data from the History Centre, the download keeps failing.

I would really like to evaluate the software during the evaluation period without to many difficulties. I have a feeling that I may have caused some issues in the software while trying to set up a new profile and data source while following along the videos, could that be correct?

Could I reinstall the evaluation version and start from scratch?


Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

The Data Download service works fine.

I cannot remember for a setting that can prevent the data downloading. I think such problem was reported only once, but it was due to an infection of the user computer and it was incapable of establishing a secure connection to the server. This is not your case obviously.

What messages you see?

This is how it looks on my machine.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

I tried again just a moment ago, and here is the result;

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Do you have error messages in the Output log?

What is the destination of the FSB Demo data folder? Is it writable?

Can you try without changing the time zone?

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Hi Popov,

I have tried to download again this morning with no change to the timezone, but still fails, here is a shot including the output log:

Here is a shot of my account page;

And one of the data destination folder (Nothing opens when I click the Open Data Directory link on the Data Sources page)

I have deleted all profiles and data sources except the FSB Demo Data ones now.

Apologies, I'm not sure what "writable" means?

Thanks, Simon.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

And one of the data destination folder (Nothing opens when I click the Open Data Directory link on the Data Sources page)

This is the problem.

There is no folder where the program to save the files.

Make a folder "FSB Demo Data" in your "C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Data" folder.

It must looks like that:

Than go to Control Panel => Data Sources and set "FSB Demo Data" in the folder text box.

Re: Difficulties saving MT4 historical data to Data Directory

Thank You, Popov, this has solved it.