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Forex Software → Help and Support → Problem of Lotsize reset

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Posts: 3

Topic: Problem of Lotsize reset

Hello everybody,

I have a problem on my EA that is already on a demo account.

My EA reset the lotsize at 3 differents time:

1st - When the take profit is reached (It's what i want)

2nd - When i adjust a parameter directly in MT4, the next position will have a reset of the lotsize ( a problem )

3rd - When the market is closed during the weekend, the next position opens after the weekend will have the reset too ( an other problem )

I searched inside the code, but i found nothing on a potential reset..

So, if you have a tips to resolve my problem, it would be great! (do i need to force the reset or something else..)

Thanks in advance.

Re: Problem of Lotsize reset

Normally MT4 remembers an EA parameters and it should recover your last settings when you restart MT.

We highly recommend to change the parameters in FSB before the export of an EA.

You can also change the default parameters directly in the EA code. They are set at the beginning of the file.

When you finish with the editing, compile the EA and be sure there are no errors and warning. Run the MT backtester in order to be sure the EA works as you want.

The FSB Pro experts are 100% native for MT and with enough skills you can adjust and change everything you want.

Re: Problem of Lotsize reset

Thanks, i Will try the next time that i need to change a parameter, to do it directly in the code and to compil it.

But for my position opens the sunday evening after the week-end break, do you have any idea why it resets the lotsize and not keep in mind the previous size?

Posts: 3

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