The "safety net" SL is the similar to the one we are already using. It is set the moment the EA entered into a open position, i.e, if your broker got your EA order, they also got this safety net SL too in the very 1st time the EA opens the position. The stealth SL is the one actively monitoring the market and doing the partial close and those new profit protection features that Popov wants to add in for the next update.
So with this safety net as the backup SL...we don't "deprive" ourselves of the benefits of stealth features. Furthermore, how many times we have such unforeseen circumstances and since we already have the safety net in place, to take care of such low probable yet possible circumstances, why let this small % incident "deprive" us of the other higher % days whereby it would benefit our trading outcome.
I know such small % can sometimes burn the whole account (that would mean, the person need to look into his money management issue) that's why the "safety" net SL is here to prevent such incident and also prevent us from closing our minds to use stealth mode. Be creative to work around the limitation and not let limitation, limit our problem solving skills/ability/creativity.