Topic: Vertical Date lines on Balance/Equity Chart
Mr Popov and all Forexonauts,
I will often use Balance/Equity Chart for rough valuation of a strategy.
1. Let say that broker’s demo data set contains 100 000 bars. I will cut of the first 25 thousand bars and the last 25 thousand bars with help of Data Horizon option, leaving 50 thousands bars in the middle of data set for Generator.
2. After the resulting collection is created, I will change the Data Horizon option to 100% of available data set (100000 bars), and I will check, on Balance/Equity Chart strategies in the collection visually; the good ones should (on the Balance /Equity graph) behave in similar way (rising in similar graphical form) in the beginning 25% and in the ending 25% of data set, as in the graph’s middle part of 50%. Those which behave very differently in first 25% and last 25%, suffer from curve fitting in the middle 50%.
Mr. Popov, is it possible to incorporate, into the Balance/Equity graph, two vertical date lines, movable left and right on my wish (drawn to right or left with help of mouse pointer?). Those lines should be market with date, and date markings should change accordingly when moved. Those two lines could (maybe) read automatically values from Data Horizon start date limit and end date limit, but this automatic solution is more problematic for obvious reasons.
To illustrate what I mean I took a screenshot of my monitor. Thicker vertical lines should be movable. Two lines in the middle show cut position for 25% +50% +25%
The graph illustrates also what I mean with bad/good behavior. As you can see on the graph, the curve linearity and behavior changes in the last 25% of the graph.
Of course it is not only criteria which should be used, but it seems to me that it is a good preliminary qualifier?
One of the reasons for my proposal here is to put my theory to your criticism.