Topic: multi tester error
I can not use multi tester - Strategy source - folder.
The error message is :cannot load strategyes.
Whith - Strategy source - Collection everything is OK.
What I did not do correctly?
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Forex Software → Premium Club → multi tester error
I can not use multi tester - Strategy source - folder.
The error message is :cannot load strategyes.
Whith - Strategy source - Collection everything is OK.
What I did not do correctly?
Are there strategies in the selected folder? Is the path correct?
Yes, there are strategies in the selected folder.
it is looking like it is "becktesting". First foto, first topic.
Not let me cancel the job.I must close the program to cancel the job.
Can you install TeamViewer and give me access. I have to check what is going on.
When you are ready, please send me the login ID and the password to my email.
The problem was found - no strategies in the "Strategy" folder. Only collections.
Anyway, the program must not stop responding in such a case.
Thank you for the report.
I'll fix the bug in the next release.
Forex Software → Premium Club → multi tester error
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