1 (edited by GD 2015-12-02 16:57:41)

Topic: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

Dear Mr. Popov

How can I change this color of Volume to 190,190, 250 color?
With this selection, I can see better color of trades in small Indicator Chart.



Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

You can create a new color scheme by copying on of the default schemes. For example, you can copy Theme_Light.json to another file like Theme_MyLight.json. It is important the file name to start with Theme_

Later, you can open the file with any text editor and edit line 77

  "ChartVolume": "150, 0, 210"

The colors are set as three numbers RGB (Red, Green, Blue) with numbers from 0 to 255.

You can use an online color picker. Here is one: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp

3 (edited by GD 2015-12-02 19:33:45)

Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

Dear Mr. Popov

As you know there are two indicator charts.
A small in the first page (editor) and a large one (indicator chart).

If I do what you say, only the color of volumes in the large page changes.
The color of volumes in small chart does not change.

How can I change the color of volume in the small chart. It does not change.
With big chart it changes.

Please check it.

Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

If I do what you say, only the color of volumes in the large page changes.
The color of volumes in small chart does not change.

You are right. It appears it is a bug - the Editor page indicator chart doesn't read the theme's Volume color.

I'll fix it now and will make it available in the next release. I'm going to publish a new Early Access version tomorrow.


Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

It is a minor bug. Long time I did not know how to change.
But is useful to correct

Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

Hey GD

Thanks for asking about this, I have wanted to know the same thing many times.

Thanks again!



Re: How to Change the Volume color in small indicators chart

He fixed it.
The result is really nice.
I enjoy it and everybody also I think.