Topic: Request for a "mini" optimiser
Hi Popov,
Is there any possibility to create a "mini" optimizer within the strategy development process or after the strategy is done.
This mini optimizer is to search the best results given a set of parameters by changing just the smoothing, signal method and base price.
Currently, I spent tremendous time, manually "optimizing" by running through all the different combination between the smoothing, signal method and base price. It's very time consuming. In fact, most of my time is consumed by this process of manually optimizing the 3 combinations. My strategy effort would have been effortless if I have this "mini optimizer" because most of the time I already know what parameters I want to use.
On my MT4 chart, I use different indicators and parameters (time period) and when I translate it to FSB, I don't know which smoothing, signal and base price yield the best results. But I don't want to use the FSB optimizer because sometimes it either over optimized (to the point of being "useless") or the parameters were changed in such a way when it becomes "theoretically unsound" eg. opposite direction parameters (if you know what I mean). I feel that the FSB current optimizer is for those who are figuring out what parameters to use but not very helpful for me who already know what parameters to use (it's just my personal opinion, definitely there are others who think or feel otherwise and I respect that, if it works and serve their purpose that's good. Whereas for me the current optimizer isn't what I need but I really need the "mini" optimizer).
All I want is to stay as true to my theoretical framework by optimizing the smoothing, signal and price without changing the "structure" of my theory i.e. parameter. Is it possible to have a button next to the parameters whereby with 1 click it would automatically calculate the highest profit combination for the smoothing, signal and base price? Each time I add a opening or closing condition, all I need to do is to input the parameters, time period and then click the button and the optimized combination (smoothing, signal and base price) will be set?