You can try increasing the number of bars in the history center.
Go to Tools -> Options and "Charts" tab.
Set a big number in the "Max bars in history"
Go to History Center F2
Select your symbol and delete all data for all periods. (Select first row, scroll down and Shift+Click the last row. "Delete")
Return to M1 period and "Download" data.
When the data are downloaded, double click on all periods.
This will make MT refreshing all local data.
Warning: The data you downloaded will not be from your broker but from Metaquotes.
My favorite method is to load data from the chart instead from the History Center:
- Go to the required chart.
- Zoom Out to max Ctrl + -
- Press and keep pressed the "Home" key. It will make the chart scrolling left and loading data.
MetaTrader loads the chart data from the broker instead of the Metaquotes server. This is what we need for testing Expert Advisors.